Change the colour of some foods

Change the colour of some foods
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Change the colour on the foods so none are the same.
For example Change the biscuit colour
Havla - Blue
Waffers - Yellow
Travel Biscuit - Green

Another example
Synth Steak - Large meat green
Kommerken - Large meat red

Ruby - BLue
Pica - Pink

There are many and if approved ill happily go through all of them.
Make it a visual view of what it is without having to hover over it for ease and quality of life.
Simple change and great improvement.
Alot of foods have the same images making it annoying in your quick bars. New icons would be awesome but can we not just easily change the colour of them to differentiate?
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Good idea. I've consumed the wrong thing plenty of times because of things looking the same.

Also, in my head, 'Ruby Bliel' is 'Ruby Blue' so a blue ruby would make sense to me 😅
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