Open - Other - Changes to ITV travel to make it more practical | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Other Changes to ITV travel to make it more practical

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Dec 28, 2023
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I propose the ITV travel vehicles should be made more practical by either removing or lowering the credit cost, or perhaps removing the fuel needed to use it.
Because as it stands the ITVs are quite expensive to use, and you need specialized fuel to use them. Currently its much more practical to just use shuttles instead and they kind of make the ITVs as they are obsolete. They need to be made more viable as a regular travel method.
See Justification.
Changes to ITV travel
disagree i use itvs all the time

sure they are expensive but they afford you a great utility and save a lot of time if you know where you are going and what you are doing

servers like legends do indeed allow you easy access to itvs but this often culminates in players using their itvs instead of the actual travel network set up by devs and players in the game (which is kinda lame tbh)

if you are cl80 all it takes is 3 rounds of humanoid missions to fuel and pay for 50 itv flights which i did recently and its kept me flying to and from the village on dathomir for a week now
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I think the cost of the ITVs is exactly how the devs want it to be on here. Having a higher cost on ITVs forces us to utilize town shuttles more often. If ITVs were cheap or even free, the shuttles would hardly get used. I think they have the balance right.
I think it's fine as it is now. Yeah it gates it a bit for players with more creds and who completes the collections, etc, but thats not a bad thing imo.
Agree with many who have said it's fine as is. You are basically calling a Star Wars Uber to come get you in the middle of no where. In my opinion it should not be used for main transportation. As a BH I use it often on missions and going to the village. Also gives SW a consumable to sell which is never a bad thing. No I don't have a SW myself so that isn't a shameless plug. lol
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ITV travel is a convenience for many, but convenience should come with a cost. 10k and one fuel cell is a very balanced price point IMO.
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I think the ITV system here is cool and makes using shuttle ports more viable. My only gripe is it's taking me 4 days to make a run of sub components for fuel and to make a full run of fuel cells will be like 16 days of making just the subcomponents.
So I just wanted to share my perspective as a fairly new player about how I feel about this ITV system. Before today I didn't know about the ITV system and it has given me at least one negative experience. Today I was doing Droid Army for the first time with a solid group. We had the leader guy downed but had some deaths that ultimately led me to die. Afterwards there were droids attacking the camp or something so I was told to run back in but I didn't know that the people that were running back in were fast traveling to the camp outside the entrance. So when I did it I rode a speeder back to the entrance and by the time I got there they had already cleared the instance and I didn't receive completion.

So my perspective from today's experience is:

  • It's a system not made obvious or available to new players
  • it's expected of you
And those two things together really burned me out today

Making it available to new players would seemingly be in line with the OP, but all the responses seem to want to keep it gated from new players which would seemingly also gate their capacity to do group stuff as effectively as veterans can.
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So I just wanted to share my perspective as a fairly new player about how I feel about this ITV system. Before today I didn't know about the ITV system and it has given me at least one negative experience. Today I was doing Droid Army for the first time with a solid group. We had the leader guy downed but had some deaths that ultimately led me to die. Afterwards there were droids attacking the camp or something so I was told to run back in but I didn't know that the people that were running back in were fast traveling to the camp outside the entrance. So when I did it I rode a speeder back to the entrance and by the time I got there they had already cleared the instance and I didn't receive completion.

So my perspective from today's experience is:
  • It's a system not made obvious or available to new players
  • it's expected of you
And those two things together really burned me out today

Making it available to new players would seemingly be in line with the OP, but all the responses seem to want to keep it gated from new players which would seemingly also gate their capacity to do group stuff as effectively as veterans can.
ITV has nothing to do with this experience? This is a shuttle camp that you would fly to from the mensix ticket terminal.

Addressing ITV accesibility to new players: their credit cost is waived for the first 30 days of a character's existence. Very new player friendly.
Well thanks for explaining that because
ITV has nothing to do with this experience? This is a shuttle camp that you would fly to from the mensix ticket terminal.

Addressing ITV accesibility to new players: their credit cost is waived for the first 30 days of a character's existence. Very new player friendly.
well thanks for explaining it. I'm at 30 days today and I'm only now discovering it. Maybe others discover it faster
ITV balance is correct only gripe is the backpack fuel bug we get every 10-20 uses so other then that keep it how it is.
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I both agree and disagree with this idea....Shuttles and Spaceports we in game first. ITV's came in as a PERK, a Reward. This ITV system currently implemented punishes players from using the perk of having an ITV. That being said I can also see the other side to the argument and I think a good balance would be to keep the fuel cell requirement but lower the high credit sting of using them. 10K isn't a LOT of credits, but it's a little on the high side. I would suggest to cut the credit cost in half at least and leave the fuel cell requirement.
ITV cost I think is in a good place. 10K is fairly cheap. Would only take a single solo terminal missions for you to have enough to use the ITV twice for about 5 min of work.
I'm surprised Aconite left this open. There is zero chance the Resto devs will remove the costs associated with ITVs. If they did, it would be to remove ITVs. Maybe Ornj, now that he's the new sheriff in town will close this.
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ITV cost I think is in a good place. 10K is fairly cheap. Would only take a single solo terminal missions for you to have enough to use the ITV twice for about 5 min of work.
Keep track of how many times you use your ITV in a day, I think it would shock you as to how much you do, I know it sure does me. And like I said, I am not saying remove ALL of the costs placed on an item that in Live was a reward and totally free, but to scale back the credit cost some and to keep the Fuel Cell requirement. I think this is a good compromise and to discount it outright doesn't help, but shows an inflexibility to meet in the middle.
For well established players who've been here long enough I guess 10K doesn't mean much, I am just trying to find that often elusive middle ground that seems so hard to find. Also it's not like this solution would be hard to implement, just an adjustment of an already existing value.
I promise I spent well over a million credits using mine to go back and forth to the village grinding FS and Jedi xp. I didn't complain one bit because I made more money doing what I was doing than I spent.

You have to think of this like an uber coming to get you in a rural area. Plus, makes you think. Do you really need to spend that 10k or is the ride going to really delay you that much?

As a bounty hunter, again I made more off the hunt than I did using it. I don't see any issues with it's current design. Does it favor the established. Sure! Luxury comes with time and effort.
Keep track of how many times you use your ITV in a day, I think it would shock you as to how much you do, I know it sure does me. And like I said, I am not saying remove ALL of the costs placed on an item that in Live was a reward and totally free, but to scale back the credit cost some and to keep the Fuel Cell requirement. I think this is a good compromise and to discount it outright doesn't help, but shows an inflexibility to meet in the middle.
For well established players who've been here long enough I guess 10K doesn't mean much, I am just trying to find that often elusive middle ground that seems so hard to find. Also it's not like this solution would be hard to implement, just an adjustment of an already existing value.
The way it is is the middle ground. 10k is nothing and the choice of using it so many times is yours and do you really need to use it that many times? Problem in these games is so many people want things quicker, easier, etc and the creep starts.