Since this was left open... I'll toss in another perspective!
On these points:
1. High costs added to support shuttle use: Since the population on Restoration has more than doubled, and continues to hold since last December, more players are using shuttles to shop, attend events, and meet up with guild members and friends. In lower-populated emu, I can see the worth, but not now.
2. Financial Barrier: ITV costs can add up fast for newer players (those out of their 30 days), especially when funding character basics like a house, harvesters, armor, weapons, buffs, etc. The ITV costs can discourage travel, making the game feel a bit restrictive. Veteran players can easily replenish the credits.
3. ITVs are Star Wars Uber: ITVs were added in the NGE as a QoL feature with no cost, thus making them more of a perk than a luxury. If the goal is immersion, why not add costs to player ships, mounts, and vehicles? (Yeah, don't, just saying!)
Maybe some half-way points to consider?
1. Remove the credit cost and leave the fuel cost in place. This way it's not taking from the player as much and keeps the crafters crafting.
2. Introduce faction (or other) travel discounts, such as ITVing to a Rebel base would be free for Rebels; ITV to Jabba's would be free for Neutrals, etc.