Combat Medics and Making them useful in a group and solo

Combat Medics and Making them useful in a group and solo
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Give Combat Medic Crafted Stims and Poisons
Combat medic is supposed to be able to heal the group. Currently, this is not the case, heals are too small with long cooldowns
Currently, Combat Medic feels completely underpowered in virtually any fight.
This is in no way intended as a rant, just giving an idea of where I'm coming from.

On live, I played a Combat Medic from day one. I prided myself on being able to keep my group up and going in a PvE setting. There are any number of ways to make the Combat Medic more effective both offensively and defensively.

My perspective is ONLY from a PvE perspective as I do not PvP. I'm fine with completely different mechanics for PvP and PvE. My perception is that with the current mechanics, if a combat medic can apply his/her debuffs against another player One on One, the enemy will at the very least be extremely frustrated. Against a MOB with 10 to 30k health, forget it.

As the combat medic is in Restoration right now, I cannot heal myself against two Patriots. All of my offensive abilities are for individual targets only. The DoTs tick ever six seconds, with both DoTs applied to a target I get something along the lines of 1400 damage every six seconds on a single target (~233 dps), meanwhile the target is hitting me often and hard enough, that I spend the time between those ticks trying to keep myself alive.

My suggested solutions?
*crafted area stims that offer significant heals
*crafted area poisons that genuinely hurt

I know we had these preCU, I honestly do not remember what we did during CU but I do not remember feeling so understrength.
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I agree, in Live in a PvE setting the combat medic actually DID something other than toss area heals. The diseases and poisons were extremely useful. All to often on this server it seems that most PvE concerns take a distant back seat to things PvP.
Dots on live are extremely powerful. Do you use enhancers for deuterium toss and neurotoxin? Also do you use healing potency & combat medic speed in your exotics for quicker cooldown times and greater heals?
CM on live is currently very powerful, with Spray being meta in both PvE and PvP. Most professions can run 4xxxCM for constant AOE heals. The DOTs and debuffs are also very powerful on live.

It sounds to me like you aren't using enhancers, which exist for both heals and your debuffs and dots. You can also increase your healing potency with exotics and by increasing your opportune Chance.

Keep in mind that when the new update goes live, healing potency will be increased by endurance and not opportune Chance. However, there will also be two new exotic stats 'heal speed' and 'heal cost' that you can use to increase your hps or sustainability.

Hope this helps!
Dots on live are extremely powerful. Do you use enhancers for deuterium toss and neurotoxin? Also do you use healing potency & combat medic speed in your exotics for quicker cooldown times and greater heals?
I use all of the above.

I just went and double-checked my numbers.

Neurotoxin Enhancer, Effectiveness 1357, 905 damage once per 9 seconds (100.5 dps)
Deuterium Toss Enhancer, Effectiveness 1173, 867 damage once per 5 seconds (173.4 dps)
So the two Dots net 274 dps if both DoTs are applied, there is a three second delay between the two applications.

This was done vs. some poor level 22 MOBs near my house on Naboo so it's probably best case :).

The Reason I say that Combat Medics are probably more effective in PvP the debuffs they can apply if they survive long enough to apply them.

Hope this was helpful. Thanks for reading.
CM on live is currently very powerful, with Spray being meta in both PvE and PvP. Most professions can run 4xxxCM for constant AOE heals. The DOTs and debuffs are also very powerful on live.

It sounds to me like you aren't using enhancers, which exist for both heals and your debuffs and dots. You can also increase your healing potency with exotics and by increasing your opportune Chance.

Keep in mind that when the new update goes live, healing potency will be increased by endurance and not opportune Chance. However, there will also be two new exotic stats 'heal speed' and 'heal cost' that you can use to increase your hps or sustainability.

Hope this helps!
Unbuffed I run:
I use, Mark 3 PSG with the normal 2500 Energy resist, RIS Armor with 6538 resists to Kinetic & Energy and 652 Health built in giving me a total of 3904 Health.
Melee General: 92
Toughness Boost: 126
Endurance Boost: 272
Ranged General 366
Defense General: 63 (possible gap)
Opportune Chance: 431

My exotics are a bit old but I run with Medical Combat Speed 34, this would be higher but other exotics are for weapon damage and weapon speed.
I have all of the enhancers, Neurotoxin, Deuterium, Thyroid Rupture, Bacta Spray, Bacta Toss, Traumatize...

The specific example of an actual combat situation, with all the above, and master commando, two Patriots killed me. I might have fared better if I weren't trying to avoid combat at the time.

Again, I'm not trying to rant, just expressing that I played Combat Medic from the original Launch through to the announcement of NGE and I don't think two Patriots could have taken me down. I understand that the priority playstyle for Restoration is PvP and that combat professions have been and will be balanced for that purpose. I do not PvP but I'm willing to deal with the changes to PvE. That said, I'm not smart enough to not ask for what I want or express what I think :).
First off, the priority playstyle for Resto is not PvP. There is generally a shortage of PvPers. Great care is taken to balance the combat professions for both PvE and PvP. It is wrong to say that combat professions have been balanced around only PvP or that PvP is the priority playstyle.

Second and more relevant, something is weird with your stats. With MCM/MMando and +652hp armor, your base health should be closer to 4500. This can then be increased with Spice (Booster Blue) for over 5K health and significantly more action/mind regeneration.

Your base stats are also low, so I suspect you aren't using all your SEA slots. There are 10x basic SEA slots and 3x exotic SEA slots:
Left Bracer
Right Bracer
Left Bicep
Right Bicep


You then have 2x rings, 2x bracelets, and a necklace to add to your base stats further.

Without foods, you should have no issue getting to:
Melee: 50+
Toughness: 50+
Endurance: 100+
Ranged: 350+
Defense: 350+
Opportune: 300+

And with foods and buffs:
Melee: 100+
Toughness: 200+
Endurance: 200+
Ranged: 400+
Defense: 375+
Opportune: 325+

Something is definitely missing. MCM should have zero issue dealing with two Patriots.
If you are willing, I'd be happy to take the stats and such offline because discussing my personal failings distracts from the main issue.

However, with respect to the PvP stuff, I know of at least one instance where Aconite publicly told people, after the price for the Treehouse went from 750 tokens to 7500 tokens, that the focus of the server was PvP and that everyone should know that by now. Paraphrasing obviously.
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