Command /pet transfer

Command /pet transfer
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
The /pet transfer command was in the game. Why was it removed and when will it return?
With a skill change -jedi or any- the CH loses the most. A lot of time and grind to make it "perfect". The acquired and trained pet can now only be a room decoration.
It's a very unpleasant feeling that your favorite pet can only be a room decoration.
I know this isn't the first time this problem has come up.
When was the pet transfer command on this server? To my knowledge pets have never been transferable on this server and that is intended.
Not on this server. It always was in the original game. Quite a lot of problems if the CH is the purchased, trained, animals will only be used as decorations. If there is no other option, at least 2 CH within the account
Any player can hand over their acquired goods, except for the female trade items. Only the CH is penalized.
I'd hate to be your pet - to be thought of as an 'acquired good'. A beast you trained to be your 'BFF' - and you want to just trade it away and expect it to be just as loyal to a stranger.

You're looking at it from one side - and I get your argument - but pets are permanent. Even if you're just trading them to an alt - it's one less pet that a BE would get to make and sell. If your 'now' Jedi had 20 pets and you can just send them all to your new toon - it does impact an already flooded market. It's been discussed many times as one of those sacrifices you make if you want to make a Jedi on a CH toon. There should be zero surprises here.
I think what Manta would be suggesting also would include a need to re-level the BFF status for a new owner. Also since you Phil, opened the door to what the pet might "feel" I am sure it would rather be with a new owner than STUFFED in a house like some futuristic taxidermy experiment gone wrong and while we're on the argument irl do we not have pet shelters where people can and do go when they can no longer take care of their once beloved animals, in the hopes that another family can then take care of them? You've covered well the argument of the loss of money a BE player would see by not being able to make a player pay for another pet but perhaps you haven't properly recognized that SOME CH's actually do and HAVE formed a bond with their pets they've leveled on one toon and don't feel like demoting them to the status of a Head on a wall and the plague that reads Here Lies Fluffy my BFF.
I became CH for the second time. My first favorites can be found in my house. And it's not the credit that's important. It's that he really became my companion. That's why I thought I'd give him the alt.
How about allow the CH to trade their pet to a willing BE, who like ID needs to buy something that allows the pet to be transferred and converted to an egg, and then said BE can trade the egg back to the CH - the BE can charge what ever they want for the conversion, then the egg can be sold like any other egg? This has been asked for before and got a big fat 'NO', but no harm i guess in seeing if there is any traction.

The important area is to work out a system that a BE is not forced out of the market place, hence they can charge what ever they feel is fair for the process, I mean the item they buy could be priced at 1m creds, but then if they are converting say a reek, they could charge the owner 2m for the process? or if its a Tanray they could charge 10m, just random ideas, or let CH has the barn, so their retired pets live in comfort ;)
Mit szólnál ahhoz, hogy a CH elcserélje kedvencét egy hajlandó BE-re, akinek az azonosítóhoz hasonlóan vásárolnia kell valamit, ami lehetővé teszi az állat átruházását és tojássá alakítását, majd azt mondta, hogy a BE visszacserélheti a tojást a CH-ra - a BE bármit felszámíthat az átalakításért, akkor a tojást el lehet adni, mint bármely más tojást? Ezt már korábban is kérték, és nagy, kövér „NEM”-et kapott, de azt hiszem, nem árt megnézni, van-e tapadás.

A fontos terület egy olyan rendszer kidolgozása, hogy a BE-t ne kényszerítsék ki a piacról, így bármit számolhatnak fel a folyamatért, amit méltányosnak éreznek, úgy értem, hogy az általuk vásárolt cikk ára lehet 1 millió kredit, de akkor, ha átalakítanak mondjuk egy bűzt, akkor 2 milliót kérhetnek a tulajdonostól a folyamatért? vagy ha Tanray, akkor 10 métert tölthetnek, csak véletlenszerű ötletek, vagy hagyják CH-nak az istállót, így a nyugdíjas kedvenceik kényelmesen élnek;)
NAny positive solution will move you forward. It feels unpleasant to throw them away.Sorry for the translation. English is not my first language.
We’ve said no to this before because it’s not good for business of Bio-Engineer. Unlikely a different outcome would come of this but I’ll leave it open for funzies
We’ve said no to this before because it’s not good for business of Bio-Engineer. Unlikely a different outcome would come of this but I’ll leave it open for funzies
Sabz's suggestion is worth considering. This way, neither CH nor BE loses.
Yeah it sounds good here but the reality is that if I want to transfer my pet or my friends or guildies pets I just become whatever box of BE is needed and do it for free or next to nothing. Would everyone do that? No but enough would.
It would still have a negative impact on the BE community
This, however, has a negative impact on the CH community. Because according to them, giving away an armor or weapon has no negative impact on the AS WS community. Weak argument.
This, however, has a negative impact on the CH community. Because according to them, giving away an armor or weapon has no negative impact on the AS WS community. Weak argument.
I say this as a CH who lost all his pets.

1. Armor and weapons decay so you missed the mark there unless you want your pets to decay.

2. When I incited and went to click the button for Jedi I had the CHOICE to not do it on that alt if I wanted. I also understand that becoming a Jedi is about sacrifice.
This, however, has a negative impact on the CH community. Because according to them, giving away an armor or weapon has no negative impact on the AS WS community. Weak argument.
comparing bio pets to weapons is a bit of an asinine take you have to level up your weapon to BFF status for max damage ?
Really bad idea. If there was an option like the ID race changes just for CH then there will always be someone that charges the least possible amount.

The market would go stale. We do not need an economy like other servers. We are quite healthy when it comes to the market. No reason to fix something that is not broken