Implemented - Space - Deep Space Duty Mission | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Implemented Space Deep Space Duty Mission

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Sep 22, 2021
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A t4 duty mission in deep space that pays 1000 tokens for completion
At present The Duty Missions reward for been overt makes no real meaningful increase in the amount earnt. Having this Duty Mission would hopefully encourage players to go to deep space. As Deep Space is not a huge zone it will also mean that finding other Overt Players is a lot easier.
A way to earn Duty mission tokens for parts off Kash Nunes that encourages PvP in Space and rewards the risk taken for been overt
Lets encourage PvP in space in a meaningful way
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It should be higher difficulty than T4 to give that kind of rewards.
Currently the T5 Kessel duties give a fair bit of tokens and if anything a Deep Space duty should be harder than T5.
At least T7
I would disagree. As this is DS your going to be overt and attackable by other players. And a hell of a lot easier to find. SO therefore the risk is MUCH higher than say doing a t4 duty in Dant or the Yavin Debris Cultests whilst overt. A kessel T5 dutys payout is not that great atm compared to doing a T2 debris Cultist duty. Whilst having a higer tier duty mission that pays out a lot more in PvE is a great idea this is more about encouraging people in to DS to PvP where really the duty mission will be secondary as its someting to do whilst waiting for someone to show up.
I would disagree. As this is DS your going to be overt and attackable by other players. And a hell of a lot easier to find. SO therefore the risk is MUCH higher than say doing a t4 duty in Dant or the Yavin Debris Cultests whilst overt. A kessel T5 dutys payout is not that great atm compared to doing a T2 debris Cultist duty. Whilst having a higer tier duty mission that pays out a lot more in PvE is a great idea this is more about encouraging people in to DS to PvP where really the duty mission will be secondary as its someting to do whilst waiting for someone to show up.
Doing T3 duties yields only slightly less tokens per hour for me (about 800-900 / hour for debris cult, vs 700-800 for T3 depending on distance to groups) so while it is a good way to get a ton of low level components for RE and some easy tokens, it is not even close to a full kessel clear nor do we need more easy farming places.
If you want more incentive to pvp, making all space battles overt would be a good start.
Doing T3 duties yields only slightly less tokens per hour for me (about 800-900 / hour for debris cult, vs 700-800 for T3 depending on distance to groups) so while it is a good way to get a ton of low level components for RE and some easy tokens, it is not even close to a full kessel clear nor do we need more easy farming places.
If you want more incentive to pvp, making all space battles overt would be a good start.
Whilst fixing the space battles woud be great theres not much incentive to keep going to them after you get the chassis that you are after, where as with the highet paying duty missions been in DS then theres a lot more incentive to keep going into DS. History in all games shows that once peole get what they want out of a game they dont repeat the smae content. a great example of this is on Legends. Recently they introduced something and the only way you could get it was to do the space battles. the collectors all got that and then stopped doing the space battles. SO while the GCW2 battles saw a massive spike in partcipation once the majority of the stat whores got what they wanted either bydrops or buying/trading for the item then they all stopped going
It should be higher difficulty than T4 to give that kind of rewards.
Currently the T5 Kessel duties give a fair bit of tokens and if anything a Deep Space duty should be harder than T5.
One of the reasons I suggest it be t4 is that a lot of people who enjoy PvP also like to fly smaller one gun ships w8 ships. Whilst t6s in OM are easy in a multigun ship they take longer to kill in a one gun ship more sone that does not have the bigger sheild protection that a ship such as an x or defender has.
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