Open - Combat - Outdoors - Don't fix bug allowing CH pets to use SL buffs | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Combat Outdoors Don't fix bug allowing CH pets to use SL buffs

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May 28, 2021
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In reference to the bug posted in the Known Bugs/Issues: "Creature Handler Pets can use Squad Leader buffs", I humbly ask that this bug not be fixed and instead reclassified as a feature.
In NGE, Officers can buff Beastmaster pets, so Squad Leader which is the CU equivalent of Officer should logically also be able to buff pets.
Blocking pets from SL buffs would also cause CH to lose a lot of value when grouped with an SL, due to the CH themselves being unable to deal the same amount of damage compared to a more typical combat template.
Nobody is complaining about CH pets being able to get buffed by SL, and it doesn't break the class.
I would also like to point out that regardless of the amount of support this suggestion receives, it is the only suggestion so far that would require negative effort to implement, and therefore should be given special consideration.🙂
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You can also med buff them and as soon as you mount all buffs are cleared anyways. It's not a bug at all.
Pets are group members (so are droids), seems legit they should get SL buffs. SL is such a naff class anyway, give t hem something.