Entertainer Tip Share Code of Conduct

Entertainer Tip Share Code of Conduct
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
To address this issue and ensure a harmonious environment, I propose the establishment of a clear and courteous Tip Share Code of Conduct in the Restoration entertainer discord group.
This will provide all entertainers with a comprehensive understanding from the outset, encompassing crucial etiquettes and customs, such as utilizing the /splitc <amount> command and following the guidance of the band's leader.
I have noticed newcomers facing challenges when navigating the entertainer community, especially when it comes to sharing tips. To my astonishment, I was informed in a rather impolite manner about certain customs that were never brought to my attention before.
As a seasoned entertainer, I am delighted to have recently joined the esteemed entertainer group in the renowned Mos Eisley Cantina. However, I have observed some changes since my time on the live servers. In the pre-CU era, there was never a /splitc <amount> command, and the focus was always on fostering amicable social interactions, rather than adhering to a predetermined set of rules.

Presently, on the Restoration server where I am honored to be a master musician and master dancer, I have noticed newcomers facing challenges when navigating the entertainer community, especially when it comes to sharing tips. To my astonishment, I was informed in a rather impolite manner about certain customs that were never brought to my attention before.

To address this issue and ensure a harmonious environment, I propose the establishment of a clear and courteous Tip Share Code of Conduct in the Restoration entertainer discord group. This will provide all entertainers with a comprehensive understanding from the outset, encompassing crucial etiquettes and customs, such as utilizing the /splitc <amount> command and following the guidance of the band's leader.

Let us join forces to uphold harmony and cultivate a culture of impeccable etiquette within our beloved entertainer groups!
You get system notifications whenever there is a splitc, even when you do it yourself. If you aren’t doing it, there is no notification. So I’m a bit confused at the confusion here. The ents work together, so if individuals are hoarding tips, then they aren’t going to be asked to group. Plain and simple.

Both of these issues that have been posted could have been a discussion on the discord in either the Social Senate or Entertainer channel. They do not appear to be appropriate for the PV forum.
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Hi there,

Totally get that being told impolitely about an unspoken code of conduct is frustrating. I would say that from my experience that's far from the norm - usually, the entertainers in our community are very kind and welcoming, especially to new and returning players.

I also completely agree with your sentiment of cultivating a culture of etiquette and respect. I think that this is, for the most part, something that exists already, but must be maintained.

However, I don't think that a formal, written code of conduct is necessarily a solution. It feels a bit too "in your face" for our community to invite somebody to a group and then send them a link to some set of guidelines. I'm also not sure that it solves the problem you're describing.

From my experience, most new and returning entertainers have been learning how we tend to do things as they go, and asking some of the same questions along the way. To that end, what I plan to do is create a macro I can run whenever we invite an entertainer that I haven't seen before into our group, explaining some basics about how we usually operate. Nothing too long, more of just a FAQ. Happy to work with you (or anyone else) on compiling questions to include answers to in this FAQ, and also distribute the macro so we can all benefit from it.

Being the Entertainer to have started tip sharing, I'm appalled that someone was rude to you about it. I started doing it simply to help new entertainers.

Sharing tips was something I wanted to do to HELP bring entertainers together rather than have us in competition with each other and to foster a more prosperous environment for all Entertainers.

I am very sorry that you had an unfortunate encounter with an entertainer and I hope that you reach out to their guild leader so this person can be dealt with accordingly.