Force Power: Re-direct

Force Power: Re-direct
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Galactic Senator
This is a Force Power that redirects damage from non-direct damage attacks (Grenades, Traps, Bombs) back to the target using the Force. It would be for the xxx4 Powers Tree and does not require a lightsaber. It does not lower damage you recieve, simply redirects damage.

Non-Direct damage attacks are meta and Lightsabers do nothing against explosions and traps, however you can use the Force to blow it back towards the target, dealing a fraction of the damage you receive.
Sending rocks and shrapnel at the target or throwing a grenade back towards the person throwing it sounds very force related, I imagine this would be an ability Vader would use constantly.

On Testcenter at least, redirect and other moves no longer work on non-direct attacks.
If I can't even see my screen from the amount of NGE explosions hitting me I want the person who spams them to also suffer.
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