Force powers tree

Force powers tree
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Tying force crystals powers tree damage or adding 4 new elemental force lighting skills
A powers Jedi is the only class in the game that has no option to multi elements. With some Heroics requiring weapon swap it takes a lot out of the dps from the group during these
Same as abive
I think things like crystals to damage is more beneficial for groups that being Jedi to the groups. Please upvote this suggestion. If not to crystals then 4 new lightning skills on storm and lightning. I think things them to the crystals might be a much easier option. But I am not a dev.
Don't like it don't respond, try being more mature about posting. Try actually contribute to the conversation. It was a great idea but surprise surprise pvpers hate it. At least those against it provided actually valid arguments against it. Well done Abe and Dag. I still stand by the comment about a FS senator needs to be impartial and try effect both aspects of the game not just the PVP side.
as the "PVE" jedi FS senator candidate* I think both sides have merit and I can see where you're coming from. The only other damaging profession I can think of that doesn't have access to full elemental options is combat medic but that said MPow has some of the best raid damage in the game right now which I think is a fair trade off for not being able to do full elements on one boss. If it was more than just Suin Chalo then I'd probably be more on your side here but since it is just the one I think it's fair to give you amazing dps while forcing the raid to consider composition carefully to include all 4 elements. The other one being the first part of the last boss in EK but from what I've seen you don't even really need full elements or to do the weapon swapping to get past that part.

Also don't like that you went into the TKM Balance post to share your grievances despite deleting(?) your post. That one I'd love to see stay relevant since I run a TKM tank.
The topic was about pve and elemental damage , but somehow you turn it into attacks against PVP and Bounty Hunters , the PV system is not meant to be your personal grievance and complaint system along with all the diatribe you spew
It never was, but someone made a comment that turned it into the PVP conversation, I am not the one who changed the direction of the conversation. I haven't turned it into my personal greviences. Once someone re directed it I defend e my stance. It is really not my fault that you don't like when someone tries to defend their stance. That is a you problem.
as the "PVE" jedi FS senator candidate* I think both sides have merit and I can see where you're coming from. The only other damaging profession I can think of that doesn't have access to full elemental options is combat medic but that said MPow has some of the best raid damage in the game right now which I think is a fair trade off for not being able to do full elements on one boss. If it was more than just Suin Chalo then I'd probably be more on your side here but since it is just the one I think it's fair to give you amazing dps while forcing the raid to consider composition carefully to include all 4 elements. The other one being the first part of the last boss in EK but from what I've seen you don't even really need full elements or to do the weapon swapping to get past that part.

Also don't like that you went into the TKM Balance post to share your grievances despite deleting(?) your post. That one I'd love to see stay relevant since I run a TKM tank.
I was trying to make a point but that doesn't matter, I respect that you actually see both sides. I don't even know who you are in game.
"some heroics" ? There is only 1 boss which kinda requires an element swap and thats the AM boss and you can just kill it with dots anyway so
Lightning should probably stay electrical damage, since it is...lightning.

Not every class is going to be good at every thing or in every situation. This is part of the reason why most heroics aren't soloable. It's not just difficulty or composition, but utility too
Every other class in the game has element options, unless I want to destroy my build just to get one lightsaber tree, I have no other options. As for -5, 99% chance it was pvpers that voted it down even though it was a PVE suggestion. Every Jedi suggestion always have down votes, it's not coincidence. Now if I made an anti Jedi post it would guarantee to have upvote. It's always been a PVP verse PVE issue and always will be.

Proof was the 3 day these about vis, anytime I suggested balance on BHs I had attack replies.
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Every other class in the game has element options, unless I want to destroy my build just to get one lightsaber tree, I have no other options. As for -5, 99% chance it was pvpers that voted it down even though it was a PVE suggestion. Every Jedi suggestion always have down votes, it's not coincidence. Now if I made an anti Jedi post it would guarantee to have upvote. It's always been a PVP verse PVE issue and always will be.

Proof was the 3 day these about vis, anytime I suggested balance on BHs I had attack replies. I don't like PVP because the hard core pvpers on the server are so anti pve, it doesn't remotely encourage people to what they o PVP. Notice how PVP activity has been down for months.
lol now im all for buffing jedis to the moon lol - This is a Inquisitorius respons we will find the jedi and destroy them!
Every other class in the game has element options, unless I want to destroy my build just to get one lightsaber tree, I have no other options. As for -5, 99% chance it was pvpers that voted it down even though it was a PVE suggestion. Every Jedi suggestion always have down votes, it's not coincidence. Now if I made an anti Jedi post it would guarantee to have upvote. It's always been a PVP verse PVE issue and always will be.

Proof was the 3 day these about vis, anytime I suggested balance on BHs I had attack replies.
1. You don't need any line of sabers to put a different color crystal in your saber so it does different elemental damage. Plenty of Jedi of varying builds have their main min/maxed saber, and then several crafted weaker ones that are different elements specifically for the situation you have described.

2. Once again, making the 'us vs. them' argument is disingenuous, and in this case, flat out wrong. PvP would want more elemental options as well for several different reasons.

3. You've been asked several times now that when you make a PV to NOT devolve it to 'PvPers vs. PvEers' when you get downvoted or told your idea has no merit. While I don't personally have the power to stop you from posting more PVs, I would STRONGLY encourage you to get a Senator's approval before posting more PVs before your ability is restricted
It only got that way when someone and it wasn't me who turned this into a pvp post. I defended my position. People really need to read posts before they post. This isn't on me.
It only got that way when someone and it wasn't me who turned this into a pvp post. I defended my position. People really need to read posts before they post. This isn't on me.
No you started off with the whole "whiny bhs" thing and then when someone pointed out Jedi is also a PvP class you jumped into attacking pvp players and bh's. Frankly it gets old because the pattern of your pv's is that something happens in the game you don't like and then you post a pv to change it. Not to make the game better for everyone, in fact, you ignore everyone else unless they completely agree with you. If people disagree you say they are attacking you and then you do posts like the above with playing the victim.

If you would take just a second to listen to these guys they are trying to help you. Go to your Senator and have them help you shape/write your PV and check that it is not something already in the works or impossible to do, etc. Like the whole BH vis thing you brought up again. You would think that would have been a learning experience for you but apparently not. Your hatred of BH and PvP clouds your pv's at times and your posts are not always very clear. Going through the Senate will help with that. So please try to be less selfish here and listen t some of these guys before Aco has to giveyou the Vyrka PV ban.
Wouldn't a better and more interesting topic be like: "Can we have the Conjure Tree?"

Conjure: Weapon
Conjure: Beast - Could be Acid?
Conjure: Spirit (Or Nightmare) - Could be cold.
Conjure: Nightsister Flames - Fire
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Wouldn't a better and more interesting topic be like: "Can we have the Conjure Tree?"

Conjure: Weapon
Conjure: Beast - Could be Acid?
Conjure: Spirit (Or Nightmare) - Could be cold.
Conjure: Nightsister Flames - Fire
Maybe for Inquisitors in the future as this is Sith/NS material really and they will have their own goodies so much better for them. His original idea of maybe adding more elemental damage types to powers itself is not by itself crazy but adding a whole tree for a Padawan seems a bit much. Adding for Knight or higher maybe.

Edit - I think that Force Storm is also Sith so there is a bit of dabbling there for the Padawan. I could be wrong as I am not the star wars lore person that some are.
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Maybe for Inquisitors in the future as this is Sith/NS material really and they will have their own goodies so much better for them. His original idea of maybe adding more elemental damage types to powers itself is not by itself crazy but adding a whole tree for a Padawan seems a bit much. Adding for Knight or higher maybe.

Edit - I think that Force Storm is also Sith so there is a bit of dabbling there for the Padawan. I could be wrong as I am not the star wars lore person that some are.
Yeah, could be cool as a future quest as well. Your right. Good suggestion.

Force Lightning itself is not something Jedi or Padawans can do yes, it should be restricted out of Jedi honestly.

They have their own form of Lightning called Electric Judgement, if your curious Plo Koon used it.

In lore, the only way to even learn Force Lightning was by being hit by it, because of the pain it causes and the anger you have to feel using it.