GCW Vendor Addition

GCW Vendor Addition
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add non-heroic weapon/armor item(s?) to the GCW vendor. My suggestion is weapon decrepits, however any item would be a welcome addition. We should not add augments or anything that drops from heroic encounters to the GCW vendor because that would devalue the content.

I am not including a specific price because that is up for debate. At minimum, a player should be able to maintain their weapons through decay. At most, a player should be able to make some profit by selling them.
Many weapon/armor items are primarily gathered from solo PVE content which is often a time-limited spawn. An alternative to obtaining these items would be nice.
To encourage exchanges between communities without devaluing content.
See proposal/justification/motivation
sigh another PV based on a handful of players being lazy , poor , cheap or all those things combined
Lazy because the content is there for players to do and obtain said items
Poor because if you dont want to pay or dont have credits then farm the items yourself
Cheap because if you have credits then hire someone to do it for you
i mean what are you going to come up next to add , kimo scales , krayt scales , peko feathers , protective liquid coatings ?
Hard downvote because basically what you want is to turn a player based economy into a 1 click npc purchase economy
sigh another PV based on a handful of players being lazy , poor , cheap or all those things combined
Lazy because the content is there for players to do and obtain said items
Poor because if you dont want to pay or dont have credits then farm the items yourself
Cheap because if you have credits then hire someone to do it for you
i mean what are you going to come up next to add , kimo scales , krayt scales , peko feathers , protective liquid coatings ?
Hard downvote because basically what you want is to turn a player based economy into a 1 click npc purchase economy
Please search "heavy weapon decrepit" on the bazaar and tell me how many you find over .260. I'll buy them all.
sigh another PV based on a handful of players being lazy , poor , cheap or all those things combined
Lazy because the content is there for players to do and obtain said items
Poor because if you dont want to pay or dont have credits then farm the items yourself
Cheap because if you have credits then hire someone to do it for you
i mean what are you going to come up next to add , kimo scales , krayt scales , peko feathers , protective liquid coatings ?
Hard downvote because basically what you want is to turn a player based economy into a 1 click npc purchase economy
The grind for the item doesn't go away, it's just a different way to grind the same item now, with no guarantee to get better results, the results wouldn't change. Not sure how this would be lazy?
sigh another PV based on a handful of players being lazy , poor , cheap or all those things combined
Lazy because the content is there for players to do and obtain said items
Poor because if you dont want to pay or dont have credits then farm the items yourself
Cheap because if you have credits then hire someone to do it for you
i mean what are you going to come up next to add , kimo scales , krayt scales , peko feathers , protective liquid coatings ?
Hard downvote because basically what you want is to turn a player based economy into a 1 click npc purchase economy
I would agree with your point if it were a rare loot drop such as something from a Nightmare Mode heroic, but its just a weapon component that only really drops consistently from 1 mob in the game.

I don't think everything in the game should be an absolute ballache to get.

I think this is a good suggestion, and would actually like to see you roll for these with a couple of Mustafar Tokens too.
Why is this community so against people earning items from playing the game in a way they enjoy the most? Is it a "i had to suffer so you should too?" mentality? Is it just being against PVP?

Why does the game have to be farm fest?

I support this PV because playing a game should be as fun as possible, not farming and grinding for a significant portion of the time you can spend playing
I would agree with your point if it were a rare loot drop such as something from a Nightmare Mode heroic, but its just a weapon component that only really drops consistently from 1 mob in the game.

I don't think everything in the game should be an absolute ballache to get.

I think this is a good suggestion, and would actually like to see you roll for these with a couple of Mustafar Tokens too.
i don't know maybe that is by design , im sure the devs could add decrepits to all the loot tables of ALL the mustafar instances , perhaps that is a better PV , to add decrepits to all instances and not just mustafar , but we would really need to hear from a Dev what their stance is
i don't know maybe that is by design , im sure the devs could add decrepits to all the loot tables of ALL the mustafar instances , perhaps that is a better PV , to add decrepits to all instances and not just mustafar , but we would really need to hear from a Dev what their stance is
They drop from most Easy Mode mustafar instance bosses, but you only get a handful each instance so its not rewarding considering you need at least half a group to complete them. Then less than half of them are usable.
Why is this community so against people earning items from playing the game in a way they enjoy the most? Is it a "i had to suffer so you should too?" mentality? Is it just being against PVP?

Why does the game have to be farm fest?

I support this PV because playing a game should be as fun as possible, not farming and grinding for a significant portion of the time you can spend playing
you really want to die on the hill of farm fest ?
Lok just had all the rebel bases wiped , i could call that farming of gcw points
sitting by the watchtower collecting tokies , isnt that farming ?
while you were too busy crying about farm fest , you forgot to mention that you can hire someone to do it for you
but that isnt the issue , the issue is you are too damn entitled to see anything that doesn't align with how you want to play
Please search "heavy weapon decrepit" on the bazaar and tell me how many you find over .260. I'll buy them all.
You shouldn’t need a .260 heavy decrepit because the fucking weapons should be scaling speed the same as every other weapon in the game. This is a completely separate issue that should’ve been addressed years ago.

Is storm lord being the only viable source of decrepits stupid and an issue? Yes

Is GCW tokens the solution? No, they print way too easily.

Yes to include them in more content in the game and No to include them to the GCW vendor as it’s way too easy to get them now, they’re a deceptively devalued currency. Battlefield tokens? Maybe, once the current supply dwindles and the playerbase actually has to start doing them again to buy things.

I tried.
you really want to die on the hill of farm fest ?
Lok just had all the rebel bases wiped , i could call that farming of gcw points
sitting by the watchtower collecting tokies , isnt that farming ?
while you were too busy crying about farm fest , you forgot to mention that you can hire someone to do it for you
but that isnt the issue , the issue is you are too damn entitled to see anything that doesn't align with how you want to play
Blowing bases can be very fun when there's opposition

I don't just sit at the watch tower. There are multiple ways to get the tokens as well.

Farming the storm lord is not fun, it's simply work. In fact, it's usually done solo, which is antithetical to MMO game design.
Blowing bases can be very fun when there's opposition

I don't just sit at the watch tower. There are multiple ways to get the tokens as well.

Farming the storm lord is not fun, it's simply work. In fact, it's usually done solo, which is antithetical to MMO game design.
It is not antithetical to MMO game design and certainly not antithetical to sandbox design. You are by design meant to slog through a pile of crap in this game to get good drops. You’re also supposed to be able to do it AFK which would be comparable to GCW token generation, however we decided that afk farming is not allowed here.

Just take the W and go for battlefield tokens it really isn’t that big of a deal. Make em cost like a token or two each or something.
But if you put anything that is an rng drop on any vendor it is no longer an rng drop. I am one that thinks pvp should have things on the vendors that are pvp oriented. New things and a variety of things. PvP already got the 2 Jedi crystals. The pvp tokens for gcw and battlefields need revamped totally as they are way to easy to get. I say no because it is a slippery slope and eventually you get to hey why not just make 1 type of token and put everything on a vendor. Little by little you end there without realizing it.
Nah I wholeheartedly disagree. Space parts are still heavily RNG despite being able to tokenize them. You just have to attach it to the appropriate content value.