GCW Visibility System

GCW Visibility System
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Use existing Jedi Visibility System mechanics to create a similar GCW themed system.
More interactive Galactic Civil War with elements of risk/reward based play.
Outside of Factional Theme Parks and City Invasions, in-game GCW NPC threat levels are minimal and interactions can therefore be mundane and dull.
Visibility or Wanted Level

Use existing Jedi Visibility System mechanics to create a similar GCW themed system wherein your character has a wanted level based on their in-game actions.

I will use the term “generating heat” rather than visibility for this PV but for all intents and purposes the system would work in a similar way.


A player generates heat by:

  • Attacking or being attacked by any GCW NPC in a contested zone that’s controlled by the opposing faction.

  • Being reported by opposing faction players if attacking/being attacked by GCW NPC anywhere in the game-world.

  • Fleeing from an enemy crack-down NPC.

The heat of a player would directly correspond with the level of response from the opposing faction.


  • Spawning various levels of GCW NPC and in greater numbers.

  • Placing a player bounty on commissioned officers

  • Flagging a commissioned officer as Special Forces if they are subjected to a crack-down scan.

Increased Rewards

Without getting into specifics, GCW tokens, credits, GCW points and better NPC loot drops the higher your heat.
This sounds like it would just be an annoyance just like being pulled over by npc's without much benefit.
This sounds like it would just be an annoyance just like being pulled over by npc's without much benefit.
The intention here is really to make things more immersive. The crackdown/NPC GCW control is garbage.

IMO the GCW needs to be more than just PvPing around a tower or bases. It needs a more Star Warsy depth to it. Maybe not this suggestion, but I’d definitely like to see something along these lines on Resto.

Just to add: you’re right about the crackdown troopers being an annoyance, but the original idea was that there was a consequence to being scanned. It’s just that over time this was watered down and now you just kill them.

What should happen in fact is that you get mobbed by NPC for being revealed to be the enemy in a city or zone controlled by the opposing faction and with that comes other game mechanics that could be fun and engaging along with reasons to actually be combatant and off duty.

What’s the point in a CL22 NPC stood outside Mos Eisley starport, you can just kill and it means nothing?
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