Patch Notes
Hotfix May The Fourth Be With You!
The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

Fixed AoE/CoE abilities no longer incur weapon decay for each target in the area of effect.
Fixed When Berserk is active, no abilities are blocked from use besides Center of Being.
Fixed Knockdown recovery and other recovery abilities are no longer on a shared cooldown with melee abilities.
- Fixed NPCs will no longer path to locations in Water/Lava when randomly repositioning during combat.

- Added The HK-47 instance is now accessible on Mustafar.
- Added The HK-47 Jetpack is now available to be assembled in-game by gathering four rare loot drops from Droid Factory 1 & 2 and the HK-47 instance and combining them in your inventory.
- Removed There are no longer any No Trade restrictions on items dropped from the Champion of Mustafar instances. This change is not retroactive.
- Removed Creatures on Mustafar will no longer spawn babies.
- Changed White Thantra’s Brok and Durr now reappear on a shorter cooldown.
Added Battlefield Token Reward Vendors are now restocked and selling goods.

- Added Dust Durni are beginning to pop up everywhere, floating into player’s public houses, all across wastelands, and even into major cities. As they’ve tumbled around, who knows what they’ve collected in their fuzz along the way? There’s only one way to find out! On Friday, May 19 and Saturday, May 20, the Dust Durni will finally have collected enough particulates to be visible in all corners and crevices of the galaxy. Some unattainable creatures are known to lay their eggs in the obfuscation of the dust, and others have reported finding credits swept from the wind. Whether big or small, you’ll have to clean them up to find what (or who) could be inside (results may vary). Whether your luck is high or not, we’re happy to have your recognize your help with keeping the galaxy clean with a beautification committee badge and title. May The Force Be With You!

- Added A new vendor offering eclectic goods has appeared in Endor’s Smuggler Outpost. His first delivery is Moof Mud, a new consumable that will eliminate weapon and armor decay from PvP for one hour.
- Added A new command /emptyWaypoints can be used to delete all waypoints from your datapad at once.
Fixed The Ommni Box and Nalargon will now continue to play when they aren’t being targeted.
- Fixed Fixed a bug where an egg would fail to be generated from a baby because your inventory was full.
Fixed Fish now offer a much higher yield from being fileted (note: this will become a skill mod in the future).
Changed Detonation droids now have a 5-second countdown
Changed Detonation droids may now be used while prone (and while in other stances)
- Changed The newly redecorated Bestine Museum is now open for business.

Fixed Droid Scrappers tier 2-4 now correctly appear on their respective missions, allowing the slayer collections to be completed.
- Fixed Master Smugglers and Master Bounty Hunters can now land at Jabba’s Palace from Tatooine Space Station.

Changed The Survey ability may now be used over water.
Fixed Bazaar fees are now correctly reduced twice in the Merchant skill tree (the net discount after completing the tree remains the same).
Fixed Sword Techniques I and III and Balance I and III subtitles have been renamed to match their granted skills.
May The Force Be With You,
The SWG Restoration Development Team
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