Patch Notes
Hotfix Space, Unfortunately
The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

- Fixed Closing your cloning window after dying from PvP will no longer clear your buffs as if you had died from PvE. However, it will still decay your buffs as if you had died again in PvP, so you still don’t want to do that.
- Fixed Moof Mud now prevents armor from taking damage during PvP combat. Previously this only prevented cloning decay to armor.
- Changed Personal Shield Generators will now lose efficiency from ranged attacks at a much higher rate. The efficiency loss scales by damage taken, with a minimum of 2.5% efficiency loss per hit.

- Fixed HK-47 should no longer have a chance of spawning duplicate waves of droids.
- Changed Reduced difficulty of the HK-47 instance. GK Oppressor and its spawns have less health, HK-47 does less damage, and the time between warning and burst for AK-Prime and HK-47 has been increased.

- Fixed Special house signs are no longer able to be dropped inside structures.
- Fixed The Doom Bringer Obsidian Sword no longer has Ranged Weapon stats.
Changed Storyteller props now last 24 hours outside of cities and 48 hours within Player Cities
- Changed Legendary and Exceptional Loot chests will now only drop Legendary and Exceptional items, respectively.

- Fixed It Burns/Burn Down no longer has a base cooldown of 0. These abilities should now have around a 2-3 second Global Cool Down and 4-6 second Cooldown (depending on your weapon and skill mods).
- Fixed Grenades now properly share a cooldown group.
Fixed Grenades triggering while you are in the middle of another command will no longer erroneously apply their cooldown to that second command.
Fixed Heavy Weapons now properly trigger additional effects based on their type:
- Rocket Launchers have a chance to knockdown
- Flamethrowers and Lava Cannons have a chance to apply a Fire DoT
- Acid Rifles have a chance to apply Blind
- Lightning Cannons have a chance to apply a Fire DoT and snare vehicles
Changed Demolition Shot, Deadbang, and Focus Fire no longer have warmup timers.
Changed Demolition Shot, Deadbang, Focus Fire, It Burns, and Burn Down now do additional damage.
Squad Leader
- Fixed High Yield and Toughen may no longer be applied to yourself by targeting objects/characters outside your group.

- Added A new Rebel & Imperial Tier 4 destroy duty mission in Deep Space (available at Dathomir Station) is now available.
- Added A new Rebel Tier 7 destroy duty mission that spawns Imperial Ace Pilots has been added to the Dantooine System.
- Added A new Imperial Tier 7 destroy duty mission that spawns Rebel Ace Pilots has been added to the Dathomir System.
- Added A new Neutral Tier 7 destroy duty mission that spawns Neutral Ace Pilots has been added to the Endor System.
- Added The Ace Slayer Collections are now available. The rewards include a title, badge, and a large number of duty tokens.
- Added Convoys can now be done as a group. Spawns scale by group size. Every group member in range receives a crate (one per account) upon successfully finishing the convoy.
- Added Players not in a Gunship have a small chance of receiving one item from Nym’s Starmap from group convoys. This chance scales with convoy level, time taken to complete the convoy mission, and whether the player died during the convoy.
- Fixed Tier 6+ Tie Bombers now use the appropriate AI pilot profile for their role.
- Changed Increased the base payout for destroy duty missions Tier 3 and up.
- Changed Increased the overt duty token bonus from 50% to 100%.
- Changed To receive the overt duty token bonus throughout the duty mission, you must now be overt before the first wave of spawns.
- Changed The token bonus for duty mission completion has been increased substantially.
- Changed Bomber Strike is no longer usable on Space Battle Capital Ships.
- Changed Players doing Group Convoys in a gunship now receive 50% less loot from their crates.

- Fixed Added a missing description to the Cover buff icon
- Fixed Corrected a crafting error message to refer to Bio-Engineer rather than Beast Master
- Changed Added clarifying “(DF1)” and “(DF2)” to the respective names when choosing which instance to enter at the Droid Factory door.
Changed Improved the descriptions for a large number of combat abilities to better match their in-game functionality. Special thanks to Remis for their support with this.
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