Patch Notes
The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

We fixed a couple different issues related to socketed items below. This mostly affected static wearables (like Jedi cloaks) and crafted weapons. If you had an item that was affected by these bugs, it has now had its attachment removed and socket reset, so be sure to check your gear.
- Fixed Patched an exploit that could allow a player to repeatedly socket a crafted weapon and increase its baked-in stat.
- Fixed Fixed an issue that could cause stats on an item from returning after it has been retrofitted.

As the meta shifted to Force Defender after the last patch, players quickly found a build that would allow a Jedi to absorb about 99% of incoming damage through innate and Force armor. We are reducing that cap to about 90% with the below changes, and will continue to monitor the situation.
Changed Reduced the amount of innate armor granted by boxes in the Force Defender tree by 20.
Changed Reduced the effectiveness that Serenity (the Light Side Meditation buff) has on Force Armor by 40%.