Patch Notes
Hotfix - Petranaki Tournament
The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

- Changed You can no longer travel while stealthed.
- Changed Logging out while stealthed will now remove your stealth buff.
- Fixed Cybernetic Snipe and Sure Shot can no longer be used while mounted.

- Changed New Daily Login boxes will now grant 3 Galactic Fortitude tokens (from 1).

- Added The Second Bi-Annual Petranaki tournament is now live until the evening of Saturday, November 23rd. If you signed up to be in the tournament, your characters above CL54 will be assigned to their teams and flagged for PvP. All GCW and other ground PvP functions will be disabled for the duration of the tournament. You can read all the details here.

- Added The winning selections from the 2023 GCW-themed Painting contest have been added to the GCW token vendors. The winning players will receive special variants for free.
- Added Trusted Faction Helpers may now switch their mercenary status to aid the opposite faction without a 30-minute cooldown. To apply for this privilege, you must contact our support team at
- Changed New Faction Bases may no longer be placed if there is already a base in that GCW region.
- Changed Shield Phase Inverters are no longer able to be acquired when the planet has no enemy bases present. As a reminder, it is considered griefing to acquire a Shield Phase Inverter without the intention of using it to destroy an enemy base, and action may be taken against your account.
- Changed Officer Comlinks that call squads or vehicles can now only be used once every 15 minutes within the same region by each faction.
- Changed Improved the accuracy of the General-rank Airstrike abilities.
- Fixed General-Rank Airstrike abilities will no longer erroneously report that they were used within the last hour on the same planet when it is not true.
- Fixed Faction bases are no longer able to be withdrawn with a manually typed command.
- Fixed Pets and Droids should no longer be able to bypass shields around Factional Bases.

- Changed Cloaks may no longer be worn with Chestplate armor or Cybernetic Torsos. Existing items will be unequipped if they were worn together.
- Fixed Ice cream machines can no longer roll a random recipe that is impossible to create.
- Fixed Cybernetic Implants can now be used while indoors.
- Fixed Portable Bazaar Terminals are now able to be picked up indoors and used with the radial menu while in your inventory.

- Added Rotating advertisement boards have appeared in starports across the galaxy, currently displaying various exotic locations.

- Added 1 Focused Enzyme Mutation stat has been added to Master Bio-Engineer. Alongside 3 exotic slots, this will now cap the stat.
- Added A new dramatic visual effect will now play if your character experiences a Force Breach.
- Changed Undead from the Quarantine Zone will once again give visibility, for gameplay balance.
May The Force Be With You,
The SWG Restoration Development Team