Patch Notes
Hotfix - Expanding Horizions Bug Bash
The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:
(If you're looking for the patch notes from our huge recent publish, Expanding Horizons, head over here!)

- Changed Second Chance reactive heal can now activate once every 5 seconds (from 10), and can heal on any attack, but will not heal for more than the damage that was received.
- Fixed Held weapons will no longer decay when using grenades or traps.
- Fixed PvP Critical Hit Reduction will now work correctly.
- Fixed Unarmed animations for Melee Hit and Melee Strike should now function properly.
- Fixed Healing others while stealthed will now break stealth.
- Fixed Updated several recourse timer buffs to not be able to be cleared by debuff cleanses.
- Fixed Using an Infusion heal will now clear any buffs/debuffs that disappear after a heal.
- Fixed Several buffs and items that granted Critical Hit Reduction have been corrected to grant the full amount.
- Fixed Corrected several combat abilities that could be used while mounted.
- Fixed Traps and Grenades can now do damage while knocked down.

- Fixed Referral Program and Returning Player Offer programs will now be redeemable in-game through the entitlements window when eligible.

Added New items have been added to the Battlefield vendors:
- A lightning-imbued blue lightsaber crystal with Force Power damage.
- A thin, focused blade red crystal with Force Power Regen.
- Neuroshock Diffuser consumables which clear two random debuffs.
- Changed Battlefields will now grant 10 tokens for a victory and 6 tokens for a loss.
- Changed IG-88, Exar Kun, and Axkva Min instances have been rebalanced.
- Fixed Players can no longer attack the Executioner early in Exar Kun.

- Added Ancient Jedi Texts can now be acquired through Legendary RLS Chests.
- Changed The new Legendary Scopes and Vibro Units will now grant an improved percentage-bonus to weapon crafts (like their crafted counterparts), instead of a flat bonus as before.
- Changed Petar Kuncker and E5 Sniper Rifle appearances have been adjusted.
- Changed The buff icons for Shard of Retaliation, Wild Force Shard, and Sith Holocron have been changed to be unique.
- Fixed Dusk in Kachiro has been removed from Legendary RLS Chests (it is still present in Exceptional chests).
- Fixed Jedi Crystals and Holocrons can once again be sold to Junk vendors or fed to Sarlaac Trash Cans.
- Fixed Duty Token grants above 5000 will now be granted properly.
- Fixed Outcast Cloak will no longer take the hood slot.
- Fixed Looted armor/clothing will no longer go above 23 in an individual attribute.
- Fixed Issues with crafting new Assassin Droid, Droideka, and Battle Droids.

- Added You can now use /gu to type in Guild chat (this functionality changed previously when Guard Strike was added).
- Fixed Chiss female torso slider will no longer be reversed.
- Fixed Various Oil Bath logic fixes.
- Fixed Many instances of missing/incorrect text have been updated.
- Fixed Vehicle boosters can now be used over water.
- Fixed Foraging will now properly use the foraging stat on SEAs.

- Fixed The buffs granted by the Thriller and Captivator sets have been switched to match their correct sets.
Bounty Hunter
- Changed Torso Shot's debuff icon has been changed to match the ability icon.
- Fixed Addressed a timing issue that would allow more than the max number of hunters to accept a player's bounty mission.
- Fixed Position Secured will no longer put away your vehicles.
- Fixed Force Sensitive Survival boxes now grant Camouflage instead of camping modifiers.
- Fixed Luminous Heal can now correctly heal you if you are nearby the target.
- Added Attacking a Decoy (from the Strider set's Decoy ability) will now apply a flanking debuff to the attacker, that increases damage, and critical hit chance against them.
- Changed Traps will now grant Scout XP.
- Changed Several self-buff abilities can now be used without breaking stealth.
- Changed Razor Net's icon has been changed to be different from Impale's.
- Changed Net Trap's spawned net will now have reduced health the fewer players are around.
- Changed Net Trap's radius has been reduced slightly.
- Changed Net Trap's recourse timer is now visible as a buff icon.
- Fixed Net Trap's spawned net will no longer collide with the camera.
- Fixed Camouflage Ally will no longer lock your command cooldowns.
- Fixed Improved Overcharge Shot will now activate properly.

- Fixed Space Survival missions will now properly decrement counters.
May The Force Be With You,
The SWG Restoration Development Team