Patch Notes Patch Notes
The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

- Changed Soothing Comfort and other non-weapon attacks will no longer trigger Heavy Weapon procs.
- Fixed Suppression Fire may no longer be cleared through debuff removals (since the movement effect affected them regardless).
- Fixed Dozens of combat animations have been added or fixed.
- Fixed Dying while in Position Secured will no longer allow for you to be deathblown multiple times.
- Removed Droids will no longer deal reduced damage to players.

- Changed Battlefields no longer have an Invitation phase and players will be teleported once the Queue is accepted.
- Changed Battlefields now may only be queued by a Group Leader. Groups will not disband upon entering a Battlefield.
- Changed Setup time for a Battlefield has been reduced from 2 minutes to 30 seconds.
- Changed Players will now be On Leave upon entering and exiting the Battlefield.
- Changed An imbalance in team size of +/-1 has been allowed in Battlefield group sizes.
Changed Loot:
- Looted jewelry from Heroic instances has been reconfigured into Melee, Ranged, and Jedi classes. Each instance has a defined class that will drop Bracelets, Rings, and Necklaces. Desirable jewelry pieces will drop more often from higher difficulty levels.
- Minor improvements to instance mode loot tables have been made based on Community feedback.
Changed Balancing:
- Axkva - Lelli now uses Fumble instead of Stun (cooldown debuff), Kimaru Force Storms hit more frequently, Axkva Force Storm is now a cone instead of random target.
- Star Destroyer - Krix now gets the Vengeance buff until Stormtroopers are eliminated.
- Exar Kun - Open Hand Cultists have less health and more time to kill before being Sacrificed. Closed Fist has more health.
- IG-88 - Rockets have less radius to their splash damage.
- Tusken King - Citizens and Experts now walk 10% faster.

Changed Factories:
- Factories will now treat all characters on your account as Admin even though they may not be on the Admin list. This change is not retroactive and Factories will need to be re-placed to take effect.
- Schematics may now be dragged from a character’s Datapad to the Factory by all Factory Admins. Previously this functionality only worked for Factory Owners.
Changed Harvesters:
- Newly placed Harvesters and Generators can now be Maintained by all characters on your account. This includes operation of the equipment, adding maintenance and power, as well as managing resources. This is also not retroactive and equipment will need to be re-placed.
- Newly placed Harvesters and Generators can now be Maintained by all characters on your account. This includes operation of the equipment, adding maintenance and power, as well as managing resources. This is also not retroactive and equipment will need to be re-placed.
- Changed Camouflage can now be baked into weapons.
- Changed Green Geonosian Power Cube will now grant bonuses to attack speed when used in a craft.
- Fixed Weapons will no longer sometimes lose a socket during the crafting process.

Changed Mercenaries will now receive Lifetime Kill Credit for killing Players of the opposite faction, and vice versa.
- Changed Jedi PvP deaths involving a Mercenary will now award an Order 66 Trophy like other Jedi deaths.

- Added A new item named the “Galaxy Holonet Device” has been added to players’ inventory. Using it will add a device to your datapad. This device contains information about the Galaxy and can be used to browse and search for topics. This database of information will be continually updated and expanded as time goes on.
- Changed Command BARC now checks for faction, as well as rank, upon summoning.
- Changed Gorax Ear is now tradeable.
- Changed Tenebrous Edge no longer has any profession requirements.
Changed GCW Tokens are now No Trade Shared when removed from the Tokenbox.
- Fixed Referral Hover Chairs have been adjusted so that referee's are no trade shared, while referer's are fully tradeable.
- Fixed Heroism Jewelry set is now tradeable, has a minimum combat level of 54, and is no longer marked Unique.
- Fixed Thriller and Captivator sets now properly grant 1/3/5% chance to buff.
- Fixed Juyo Saberstaff can now be experimented upon and has had its force regeneration bonus reduced to 30.
- Fixed Meatlump Tokens can now be stored in the token box.

- Changed The Force cost of Force Cloak has been reduced, especially around other players.
- Fixed Corrected an issue where some color crystal stats had gotten "stuck" to the lightsaber even after being removed.

- Added All Players will be granted a once-per-account Free Respec Notebook which can be used to reset your skills, and allow you to purchase 250 points worth of skills for no XP or credit cost. This applies to all accounts going forward once they are 30 days or older.
- Changed The building opposite the cloning facility at Endor Smuggler's Outpost now counts as a cantina for purposes of buffs.
- Fixed Addressed an issue with NPCs entering the Bestine Humanities building that could cause that area to crash.
- Fixed Several ability descriptions have been corrected.
- Fixed Several crashes on both 32 and 64 bit clients have been addressed.

- Changed Deadbang and Focus Fire no longer share a cooldown.
Droid Engineer
Fixed Several fixes and improvements to the droid maintenance system:
- Repair and diagnostic items can be pulled from crates.
- Repair issues persist on droids until they are fixed or the droid is respawned.
- Details about health, armor, damage, and speed bonuses show up upon examine.
- Players must now specify the type of lubricant going into the Oil Bath.
Changed 20-point Inspiration buffs can now be applied with lower skill point investment, allowing for full buffs with Master Entertainer and either Master Dancer or Master Musician.
- Fixed Performance holograms will now appear for Nautolans.
- Changed Metal Fan (Right) schematic has been moved to Master Entertainer.
- Changed Experience requirements have been decreased and normalized across all branches, ensuring the Combat Level for reaching Master Ranger is 54.
- Changed Experience requirements have been decreased and normalized across all branches.
Squad Leader
- Added A new basic Core Bomb ability is available at Novice Squad Leader, and the improved abilities have been renamed.
- Changed Experience requirements of Squad Leader have been changed and reorganized to use grenade experience.
- Changed Orbital Strike (Squad Leader Hellfire Set) can now be used indoors.
- Fixed Weapons will no longer roll for a socket again upon getting taken out of a factory crate.

- Fixed Flight Computers and Astromechs are no longer removed upon unfitting a Booster, but are now removed when a Droid Interface is unfitted.
- Fixed YT-2400 is now tradeable upon being re-deeded.

- Added Players may now use the Skills window (U) to purchase Skills which they have enough experience for. This service costs more than visiting an NPC Trainer and as a reminder, other Players can train for free.