Patch Notes - Hotfix - Static Base Updates - August 13, 2022 | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Patch Notes Hotfix - Static Base Updates - August 13, 2022

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The server was taken down for a hotfix today, and an update was applied. This update requires a client patch so be sure to run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

GCW Static Bases

  • When the server starts from a fresh restart, all terminals are unclaimed.
  • When you attempt to capture an unclaimed terminal, it will become contested, and the factional logo will appear red. When a terminal is contested, you have 25 minutes for as many players as possible representing your faction to interact with the terminal. At the end of the 25-minute period, the faction with the most points wins control of the terminal. If there is a tie or no points, the faction with existing control wins the terminal (except if the previous phase was unclaimed, in which case the faction of the player who initiated the contested period will win the terminal). The terminal becomes controlled when the contested period ends, and the factional logo appears blue.
  • If you attempt to capture a controlled terminal, the terminal will become vulnerable for 5 minutes, and the factional logo will appear orange. During these 5 minutes, you must have five players from your faction (who must be from separate accounts) interact with the terminal. A smuggler can attempt to slice the terminal to reduce the requirement to 4 players. When the 5-minute vulnerability period has ended, if the required number of players have interacted with the terminal, the terminal will become contested and eligible for capture for 25 minutes following the procedure described above. If the 5-minute period ends without the required number of players interacting with the terminal, the terminal will return to controlled status.
  • When you interact with a contested terminal, a terminal fatigue debuff will apply for 5 minutes, and you will be unable to interact with any terminals for the duration of the debuff.
  • When a terminal leaves a contested status, it will enter a cool-down period for 1 hour, during which the terminal may not be attacked (i.e., it will be unable to go from controlled to vulnerable).
  • All players that interact with a contested terminal and who win at the end of the contested period (i.e., they either maintain control for their faction in defense or claim control for their faction in attack) will earn 10 GCW Tokens and 1,000 GCW Points (per terminal).
  • Discord Announcements will be made when a terminal becomes contested, when the contested period ends, and when a factional base has changed control (where all terminals have controlled status for a single faction).


May The Force Be With You,
The SWG Restoration III Development Team
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