Open - Other - House decoration: Mannequin with configurable poses that can equip armor | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Other House decoration: Mannequin with configurable poses that can equip armor

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May 31, 2021
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A coding idea would be that you can use the models and codes from the vendors and create something like a static, greyed out vendor model that only stands still and freezes in certain poses. It has the inventory or appearance item window attached to it. So it has room for like 12-15 items, maybe.
I always want to present my armor in my house just not in the current way to do it
I am pretty sure a lot of other people like this idea and will use that feature
It would be great if we can place a mannequin in our house that can equip our armors and where you can set it to different poses (kneel with gun, stand, salute etc...).
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Reactions: Maximilian
I agree, it would be really nice to see some unique posing compared to the standard A-pose!
Love this idea. I never really liked how the clothing/armor was 'dropped' into structures before, standing T-Posed and hollow. This would be an awesome implementation