Not Implemented - Other - Housing Storage | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented Other Housing Storage

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Jul 29, 2021
Reaction score
I would like to see maybe something that changes the way that items are stored in Player housing.
Provides for more items with out having those spaces taken up by building limits. Allows for further creativity on the player side.
Maybe Differentiate between Appearance and Items. Maybe to prevent server lag and resource management issues allow for 2 versions of houses to exist. One player side is solely appearance-based and one is serverside that would maintain the items that are persistent in the game. As a player, you could choose to have the buildings of yours and your friends to be stored locally vs ones that you don't have contact with stored minimally on the server side.
Hi there.
I would like to see maybe something that changes the way that items are stored in Player housing. Maybe Differentiate between Appearance and Items. Maybe to prevent server lag and resource management issues allow for 2 versions of houses to exist. One player side is solely appearance-based and one is serverside that would maintain the items that are persistent in the game. As a player, you could choose to have the buildings of yours and your friends to be stored locally vs ones that you don't have contact with stored minimally on the server side.

Thank you
Sig Sauer
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
this would not work as it would create sync issues. whats the use of having 2 separate layouts for the same house. you place item A in the local copy. forget that you placed an item A in spot 1 and place item B in the same spot on your server version. how is the client supposed to know which item to render. it then crashes or deletes the item due to render bug.
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