Idea for new droids and immersion / utility

Idea for new droids and immersion / utility
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Adding new droid modules.
  • A droid module functioning like the junkdealer station placable for towns.
  • A droid module for protocol droids to allow translation of the various languages
Limiting the number of languages a player character can learn, to create a need for the protocol droid

Possibly change the number of droids allowed to be summoned to two at a time.. one combat and one non-combat.
Added immersion and utility. Should have no ill-sided impacts.
Droids are iconic to Star Wars, yet the utility of droids in SWG has always been subpar to the movies and novels. In a push to make droids more I purpose a a few ideas for droids that would - in my opinion - be both useful and add flair.
Droids are iconic to Star Wars, yet the utility of droids in SWG has always been subpar to the movies and novels. In a push to make droids more I purpose a a few ideas for droids that would - in my opinion - be both useful and add flair.

* A junkdealer droid. Let droids have a module installed that functions as the junkdealer. As seen in many other mmos having a junkdealer / trader on the go helps with cluttered inventories and creates a sought after droid for DE to sell. Could limit it in various ways like adding a surcharge or such.

* This one is likely a lot more work. Protocol droids for translation. Remove the ability for characters to learn more than 1 or 2 languages besides their native one and instead create a translator module specific for the protocol droid. This would translate whatever is being said by another player and repeated by the droid in either standard or the owners native tongue (setting on droid).

* Not a droid pr say, but change the settings to allow 2 droids summoned at a time. 1 combat and one none combat. This way you can have your protocol droid with you and still have your combat droid out as well.