Ideas for new Buffs and Drugs for Doctor or Bio-Engineer

Ideas for new Buffs and Drugs for Doctor or Bio-Engineer
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
(Bio-Engineer or Doctor)

Plasma Protein Replicator - Replenishing an individual's vital bodily fluids from an external source can reduce the recovery time from particularly traumatic injuries. This is the most relevant for injuries that involve blood loss, but it can also be helpful in cases of disease or poison where fluids have been contaminated. In either case, an external source enables the patient's body to devote energies to healing tissues. A plasma protein replicator creates synthetic bodily fluids as appropriate for a target species. (Could be used as an alternative to the stimpack healing over time rather than instantly.)

Stimstick - On Yavin 4, sentries stood long watches in crow’s nests atop large poles that breached the jungle canopy, scanning the horizon and sensor feeds for signs of Imperial discovery. Echo Base was similarly dependent on early warnings. Unfortunately, standing watch can be long and boring. To stay alert, many sentries rely on stimsticks. These stylus-shaped cuts of soft wood release a powerful stimulant when chewed. (Could be used as an alternative to the stimpack, giving you some kind of buff instead of healing you, perception, so accuracy and defense?)

Spray Plasto-cast - A tool that doctors use to spray over someone to not only protect and prevent a wound from opening but also protects their body. Could cure wounds or prevent damage or both. If wounds can be cured by non-doctors through expensive means, than abilities that give wounds like diseases could be increased in the future.

Anti-Shock Blanket - A Blanket used in a dire emergency to prevent shock or burns or serious injury. Could cure wounds or cure burning or debuffs.

(Armorsmith and Bio-Engineer)

Auto-Injector, an armor attachment slot that automatically applies a stim when needed. Usually found on commandos or bounty hunter's or those who modify their armor or are using military grade materials. It's only able to be applied to the socket of armor, so Jedi cannot benefit.

Other ideas:

(Doctor or Smuggler)

Stimcaf Powder (Drug, Legal), a legal drug that boosts your ability to keep on your toes and stay away (possible for original idea) Legal.

Impact (Drug, Illegal), Derived from the extract of the nysillim plant of Felucia, impact has grown in popularity in recent years among smugglers and other starship pilots. Though nysillim spice is primarily used for its healing and palliative properties, when concentrated and cooked into impact, it has a dramatic effect on the user's reflexes. However, after a short while, the effects of the spice end in a lethargic crash. Impact use is on the rise despite Imperial attempts to crack down on the spice. (Spice that enhances your reflexes, but also mentions Nysillim Spice that heals you).

Yaladai Spice (Drug, Illegal) Yaladai spice is a prized and expensive stimulant, worth many times the value of more common drugs, such as glitterstim, on the black market. To most, it offers a supreme clarity fo thought and focus, along with a sense of relaxation that refreshes the user even through extended activity. The spice is extremely addictive with long-term use, but those who can afford to take it regularly it regularly rarely stop for this reason. The benefits of yaladai spice express themselves most strongly among Force users, who can use it to temporarily enhance their abilities and connection to the Force. This can be a double-edge sword as the enhanced connection usually amplifies any negative emotions or effects to which the user experiences.

(Armorsmith/BH or BE)
Auto-Injector, am armor attachment slot that automatically applies a stim when needed. Usually found on those who enjoy armor modifications or are using military grade materials. It's only able to be applied to the socket of armor, so Jedi cannot benefit.

It could also be attached to the belt slot, an alternative to using a PSG.


Adrenal Implant (Head)
A small implant affixed to the suprarenal glands, an adrenal implant stimulates the production of epinephrine in the body when the individual's nervous system is subjected to strain. While the implant's stimulation is not as rapid as a direct injection of epinephrine into the bloodstream. Could apply a heal over time or damage reduction when injured or starting a battle. Not really suited for Jedi though, and expensive.


There are a ton of unused models and assets in the files of swg I can probably just recolor for many purposes. It also would help non-Jedi with things like high end tanking and would be a fun addition to the game.

Originally I wanted a new buff for Doctor that was for Block Chance and Glancing Blow like NGE but it expanded into a full thing where crafting might be involved to help with tanking especially for non-jedi, buffs that could reduce damage taken + hate gain but at a cost like significant healing output and damage done.

So here are my ideas for some new drugs and medicine that can be used.
Sounds like a bloatware situation , do we not have enough buff items already in the game ?
My 4 game bars are already full to the max with all the foods and buff items currently needed
The only things i would agree for are 2 new spices for Smuggler that are actually based on resource quality and experimentation and 2 new items for Bio Eng
everything else just sounds like a case of bad bloatware
Maybe not directly buffs, but there is a playervoice idea to make doctor buffs dependant on resource quality. Not changing the buff strenght but add a injector/stim/replicator to the buff use, similar to your idea. Then it adds more use to bio engineers or doctors or any other crafting class that matches in this lore:

Sounds like a bloatware situation , do we not have enough buff items already in the game ?
My 4 game bars are already full to the max with all the foods and buff items currently needed
The only things i would agree for are 2 new spices for Smuggler that are actually based on resource quality and experimentation and 2 new items for Bio Eng
everything else just sounds like a case of bad bloatware
A lot of these ideas are stuff that are side-upgrades or stuff that is alternatives to whats already there, not ontop of it.
As for drugs Jedi can not benefit from, for it to be fair, add a counter drug that adds to force armour that non jedi can't use. BH don't need even more enhancements.