Implemented - Increase amount of character slots | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Implemented Increase amount of character slots

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Sep 23, 2021
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Increase the amount of character slots
First want to start by saying been having a great time on the server thus far. However, the lack of character slots is a major negative factor and a poor idea for a few reasons The game is keeping the same amount of character slots as it had on live. Times have changed in MMOS and devs are allowing players to have more characters across the industry. Having the additional characters will offer the players must more to do with leveling additional characters and then working on gearing them up. This will help prolong players interest level while you create and add more content as time goes on. Any person that keeps one full support character will be now limited to solely one combat character. This drastically reduces the number of activities a player can undertake on your server which will in turn result in more people leaving prior to the newer content coming out. It was fairly common practice for people on live to maintain 2 accounts while playing to increase their number of characters. While I am not advocating for additional accounts per player, I do think increasing the amount of character slots will keep players engaged longer and help to grow the community base. While I would never expect a sandbox mmo to have the same amount of slots as a SWTOR, 2 is quite limiting.
Keep players engaged longer
First want to start by saying been having a great time on the server thus far. However, the lack of character slots is a major negative factor and a poor idea for a few reasons The game is keeping the same amount of character slots as it had on live. Times have changed in MMOS and devs are allowing players to have more characters across the industry. Having the additional characters will offer the players must more to do with leveling additional characters and then working on gearing them up. This will help prolong players interest level while you create and add more content as time goes on. Any person that keeps one full support character will be now limited to solely one combat character. This drastically reduces the number of activities a player can undertake on your server which will in turn result in more people leaving prior to the newer content coming out. It was fairly common practice for people on live to maintain 2 accounts while playing to increase their number of characters. While I am not advocating for additional accounts per player, I do think increasing the amount of character slots will keep players engaged longer and help to grow the community base. While I would never expect a sandbox mmo to have the same amount of slots as a SWTOR, 2 is quite limiting.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Thank you for your suggestion! To add additional context to the discussion, we intend to add a 3rd unlockable character slot in the future. And that is in addition to the 4th slot available to those who unlock Jedi.
I'm done looking for an entertainer when I get a third character.
I personally really like the 2 char system. And I'm looking forward to earning my 3rd one through a collection system of some kind (not Jedi for me). But 3 is all I want. We need more players, not more toons.
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The game is supposed to be about community and team work. Adding more character slots just turns it into a single player game where everyone has a Doctor, Entertainer and Artisan alt and there's no need to ever visit a city's cantina or hospital.. or seek out another player to help you craft something.
The game is supposed to be about community and team work. Adding more character slots just turns it into a single player game where everyone has a Doctor, Entertainer and Artisan alt and there's no need to ever visit a city's cantina or hospital.. or seek out another player to help you craft something.
This is true, some will do this. But you cannot assume everyone will. Some will use it to run a variety of toons that will increase the diversity of skill sets. With the small population on the server, it is helpful to have someone say, "This team needs a medic, let me switch to one of my alts to benefit the group." There are positives to the idea that should be considered.
This is true, some will do this. But you cannot assume everyone will. Some will use it to run a variety of toons that will increase the diversity of skill sets. With the small population on the server, it is helpful to have someone say, "This team needs a medic, let me switch to one of my alts to benefit the group." There are positives to the idea that should be considered.
I think that's his point. Instead of finding someone that can help..a medic - now you're just doing it yourself because you have a crafter, healer, and a combat toon..or any mix. I get we have a small server now - but that is hopefully temporary. I don't think unlocking another slot because of the current population is justification enough. We really should have to rely on each other..just my opinion.. everyone sees it differently though.
This is true, some will do this. But you cannot assume everyone will. Some will use it to run a variety of toons that will increase the diversity of skill sets. With the small population on the server, it is helpful to have someone say, "This team needs a medic, let me switch to one of my alts to benefit the group." There are positives to the idea that should be considered.
The only thing that comes from adding more character slots is reducing your dependency on the community/guild/friends and making Resto3 into a single player experience.
People already run both their characters simultaneously to PvE farm ground AND space. And some even use 2 characters for PvP.
Good conversation.

We're playing a game that had thousands...multiple thousands, on one server at a time. While I certainly hope this Server is ultra successful, the most successful SWG emulator has averaged right around a thousand online (at a time) consistently for a while now...It has not grown much...They have added major content and it has not grown substantially. And that Server gives players 5 character slots. On live...And I started with JTL in 2004...Most everyone I knew had at least 2 accounts...I had 3...Some had more....

I'm guessing the main objective of any game that wants to build a community is to be more, not less appealing. You don't want people to quit. Right now there is not a lot to be done on the game, Jedi is not in yet. I got 2 toons to CL 80 in short time. I would LOVE to have another toon to start working on. In fact I would hope they give us the 3rd slot tomorrow. It would be great!

All this talk about community and relying on each other is fine in a perfect world...But in this game your community is usually your Guild, and the Bazaar...I had a Master Architect on Legends...We bought everything for our City, outside of some statues I needed to name, off the Bazaar. Everything...Shuttle, Hospital, all houses, Cantina...Everything. We always use other players outside of our own for all kinds of goods...All the time.

People play their games differently. You limit too much, folks just quit...I think 4-5 characters should be minimum for any MMO of this scale regardless of population...But even more so when you have lower pops...JMO...
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Idk at the bare minimum you should be able to have a ranged and a melee class while still having room for that crafter/doc/ent. you could even limit active characters to 2.
Idk at the bare minimum you should be able to have a ranged and a melee class while still having room for that crafter/doc/ent. you could even limit active characters to 2.
This is exactly what we have now, with the note that third toon is not yet unlocked. It will be though, and 2 online is the deal now and after we get more toons.
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