Open - Other - Increase Jetpack HP | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Other Increase Jetpack HP

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
May 28, 2021
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Increase the HP of the jetpack to either 10000 or 15000.
It would bring it in line with the other rare, hard to obtain vehicles that have either 10000 or 15000 HP.
It only has 1500 HP which is the same as a crafted Swoop and makes it very annoying to use regularly since it has to be repaired so often.
Since the jetpack's speed has been recently increased I think a HP increase would also be welcome.
I believe its a good change. The vehicle is quite hard to obtain so it deserves more durability!
I would have to add the Barc to this. 1500 hp on a barc is nasty. Granted it makes the need for restoration kits and keeps a market going.
Why are you stopping at HP? Add Armor, and maybe give it customization.


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Reactions: Maximilian
love jetpack but damn it eats gas so fast. spend time at the garage repairing after every use.
love jetpack but damn it eats gas so fast. spend time at the garage repairing after every use.
I think like that over my barc too. I wonder if Aco is talking about the idea floating around awhile back about different vehicle engine mods etc. Just not sure if it will be artisan or maybe it should go to DE for them to "have something" more in their arsenal?