Open - Social - Inspiration Buff Descriptions | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Social Inspiration Buff Descriptions

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Sep 14, 2022
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I propose that the Inspiration Buff be changed to include a break down of the current buff given to a player.
At the moment when a player gets an inspiration buff from an entertainer, they simply see Inspiration and the timer. With a more descriptive icon that would allow players to see their current buff, players can more easily remember what it was they were doing - and recall their normal buff template more easily.
By including more descriptive icons that break down the current inspiration buff, both players and entertainers can have a better gauge of how to serve the community.
I'd like the propose a change to the way Inspiration Buffs are displayed. If possible, it would be amazing to have a description as part of the con that details the inspiration buff that is given to a player by the Entertainer.
I’m curious how that would affect pvp. Would anyone be able to see the buff? For instance if I was a BH eying my target would I be able to hover over their buff and see that they have maxed out kinetic resistance whatever else?

In general I am into some version of this idea!
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I’m curious how that would affect pvp. Would anyone be able to see the buff? For instance if I was a BH eying my target would I be able to hover over their buff and see that they have maxed out kinetic resistance whatever else?

In general I am into some version of this idea!
A BH can do that anyways with your other buffs.
I like that very much. BUT as the buffer, not buffee . . . could they at least be in alphabetical order within their categories? I don't like the categories or the names either but I would settle for a little order. (Sir, I would like to add an amendment to that motion . . . .) yeah, this could be a whole other peep in player voice. Generally speaking, I am happy with the way things are going as an ent ATM. I would not spend my time doing something for players that they may come to hate or may somehow weaken their game. I'm not going to do that to anyone even if they may like to spend time stalking my alt. (they know who they are and it's all good.)
I'd like to see updated descriptions as well.

Action Cost Reduction = Ability Cost Reduction; it affects all things not just action.
Energy / Kinetic Armor = 2k not 1k. I'd like to see this increased, it wasn't that much even in NGE.
PvP Damage Reduction = Required for PvP, if you PvP this is Mandatory. I'd rather have NGE's Glancing Blow chance anyways, PvP only stuff is lame.
Elemental Armor = Why bother getting this when you can get Kinetic and Energy Armor... ? Most Elemental Damage is a fraction of Base damage. This is only useful if we make weapons that deal full elemental damage.
Healing Strength = Actually just affects Efficiency, not actual strength of heals. Meaning it will be about 0.05% extra healing, not 15%.
Melee / Ranged Speed = Capped + Trap Option. Would actually be useful if it was a small amount of Combat Speed.
Knockdown Defense = Useless and broken I believe.
Critical Hit Defense = Useless and broken I believe.
PvP Decay Reduction = Useless, we got filth.
PvP Dot Reduction = Broken, and Damage Reduction affects Dots anyways.

You could make it a lot easier by removing a lot of this junk IMO, reminds me of Feats from Pathfinder where 97% of them are trap options for new players.

I think everything else does what it said it do.

(Since its confusing, this implies it only affects abilities that use action.)
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I'd like to see updated descriptions as well.

Action Cost Reduction = Ability Cost Reduction; it affects all things not just action.
Energy / Kinetic Armor = 2k not 1k. I'd like to see this increased, it wasn't that much even in NGE.
PvP Damage Reduction = Required for PvP, if you PvP this is Mandatory. I'd rather have NGE's Glancing Blow chance anyways, PvP only stuff is lame.
Elemental Armor = Why bother getting this when you can get Kinetic and Energy Armor... ? Most Elemental Damage is a fraction of Base damage. This is only useful if we make weapons that deal full elemental damage.
Healing Strength = Actually just affects Efficiency, not actual strength of heals. Meaning it will be about 0.05% extra healing, not 15%.
Melee / Ranged Speed = Capped + Trap Option. Would actually be useful if it was a small amount of Combat Speed.
Knockdown Defense = Useless and broken I believe.
Critical Hit Defense = Useless and broken I believe.
PvP Decay Reduction = Useless, we got filth.
PvP Dot Reduction = Broken, and Damage Reduction affects Dots anyways.

You could make it a lot easier by removing a lot of this junk IMO, reminds me of Feats from Pathfinder where 97% of them are trap options for new players.

I think everything else does what it said it do.

(Since its confusing, this implies it only affects abilities that use action.)
This is something that should go into a completely different PV. This is not the intent of what the OP is trying to accomplish. Also - KD Defense not working is news to me - but we don't have to discuss that further here.
This is something that should go into a completely different PV. This is not the intent of what the OP is trying to accomplish. Also - KD Defense not working is news to me - but we don't have to discuss that further here.
A lot of this type of stuff is common knowledge to most PvPers. Sort of like how the BF Weapons stats do nothing (similar statistics to these.) do nothing. I also disagree, its because if a buff says: "Decreases dot damage in PvP" than it doesn't do anything, that is false advertisement.

I respect your opinion on this, but think about it. If you sold me something and advertised it helped me fly and instead it just gave me a description that told me I could if I believed in myself, that would make me angry! I WANT TO FLY!

It takes away the point of the poster, period.

I will not be making a PV on it because I don't play entertainer, just giving my feedback. I need to play one and get their prospective more before I make a PV about it, because its hard to see the other side on this one.