Jedi Visibillity in Heroics

Jedi Visibillity in Heroics
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Remove visibliity from mobs within the instance, replace it with instance-specific visibility. Visibility would be higher at Easy and lower at Nightmare. For example: 3 nightmare heroics could be 750 visibility each giving a total of 2250 visibility. This would be when a Jedi player would have to decide whether or not they want to risk another heroic or take a break for visibility. However, an Easy run would grant an immediate 2500 visibility allowing for only a single Easy run. Variation for each tier from Easy to Nightmare.
This gives Jedi less reason to run Easy and more room for non-Jedi in Easy. Gauging how many Jedi will play each tier of difficulty would also make balancing and tuning heroics easier. This also gives Jedi a quantifiable visibility rate for running heroics that they can plan for.
Balance Jedi in PvE and PvP.
Remove visibility gained from mobs INSIDE the instance. Replace it with visibility gained PER INSTANCE RUN. Visibility is inversely proportionate to the difficulty of the heroic ran.
Maybe I misunderstand but in this logic shouldnt it be proportionate to the difficulty of the heroic? The higher the difficulty, the higher the rewards, the higher the risks should be? Why make a distinction between difficulty at all?

Why should visibility be a "planned" thing when the system is clearly set up to be a "rumours" thing: There are no hard numbers on your screen for you to stay within its boundaries, thats the beauty of it.

Why couldnt it be a strategy to run a Heroic with visiblity in mind -> identify which parts of the Heroic adds a disproportionate amount of visibility and adjust your strategy on it. I.e. by changing the group composition or switching weapons.

Can you help me understand the underlying issue(s) please?
To be fair, this is a direct response to a conversation over the last two days in the #jedi-discussion channel on discord, but the idea to make a distinction of visibility between difficulties was pretty plainly laid out in the OP: organically keep Jedi in the more difficult versions of the fight and out of the easy ones for balance.

Also, I did not intend for the numbers in the OP to be a hard set fact, but a way to demonstrate my logic. Visiblity as it is now, from what was said in the discord conversation, is pretty much a one heroic and a guarantee to be on the BH terms no matter what you do. This makes it not as punishing to run heroics but still adds up so that Jedi have to be careful how many heroics they run, again, bringing balance.
Okay, so if I understand it correctly the underlying issue is that a Jedi gets so much visibility during a heroic run that they are automatically added to the board?

Is that always the case or is it depending on the amount of Jedi in the group? Or is it depending on the playstyle during boss fights, maybe some fights add a disproportionate amount of visibility?

I can understand its annoying, but is it a balance issue? Maybe its perfectly balanced as is -> you take extreme risks by doing a difficult heroic for good loot, the possible consequences should be extreme.

Is it disproportionate currently and there should be some tweaking in visibility numbers generated by some NPCs?

What good does keeping Jedi out of easy instances and in hard instances do for the balance?

Im not saying this is a bad idea or there is no issue or "its part of being a jedi" yadayada.

Sometimes the search for solutions stands in the way of identifying what the underlying issue is. Sometimes that effort can be spend in searching for ways around the issue, making it a challenge instead of a problem.
In my little experience

ID and TK you will be on the boards after the run as a Jedi pretty much regardless how many there are in group. Npcs talk shit to you while in the heroic.

However I have done IG, AM and EK with one other jedi clearing my vis after and didnt have the npcs talking shit to me, so presume I wasnt on the boards.
Shouldn't have to worry about being on the boards during an instance. Or being forced into pve because you wanted to enjoy your chatscyet during end gand instances.
perhaps a compromise , but no way a jedi should be able to do 3 nightmare dungeons and not get on the BH boards
something more like
1 nightmare =BH boards
2 hard , 1easy=BH boards |
3 easy =BH boards
The problem I have with the basis of this PV is that it was born from a conversation that was clearly trying to get rid of Visibility and argue for consequence free/no bounty Jedi-- basically being allowed to run the bulk of the end game content with some of the best rewards with an alpha class.

Some of the visibility content is due for an upgrade, but it shouldn't be changed on the premise of avoiding consequences. Rather, the question should be how can we make visibility and the consequences of revealing your Jedi in the galaxy more fun?

Simply reducing Visibility gains just because some people don't like being bounty hunted is a non-starter in my opinion. All Jedi were warned and opted into being hunted before they completed the Village as part of their exit quest.

Steps can be taken during and between instances to reduce visibility gain, particularly in areas where there are white named NPCs. Being careful with the amount of Jedi in the instance is also a way of mitigating Vis. But again, mitigating Vis doesn't save you from a bounty if you run all instances back to back for 3hrs.

So while conversations about ways Visibility can be improved are fine and encouraged (and I personally agree that there should be improvements to Vis), simply asking Vis gains to be reduced because you don't want to end up on the Bounty Boards isn't going to get very far
This was not intended to remove visibility only change the mechanism it was granted. Regardless, this is no longer necessary, as you said it was reactionary, and can be closed.