Open - Outdoors - Lower the Skill Point Investment for Master Ranger | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Outdoors Lower the Skill Point Investment for Master Ranger

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Jun 15, 2021
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Lower the skill point requirement (by 50%) for master ranger to make it align with other elite professions.
Currently, there is no elite profession in CU except for Ranger that requires you to master a starting profession the the skill point investment is a lot.
To make the Master Ranger align with other elite professions.
I always thought that Rangers got the short end of the stick in CU and I would really like for that to change. We all know that there is a Ranger revamp planned in the works, but I think there needs to be one more tweak: lower the skill point requirements for mastering Ranger. The reason I think this is needed is because no other elite profession in CU requires you to master a starting profession. I have seen other posts that want to take away Master Scout from being a requirement for Novice Ranger but I really don't like that idea either. So I thought about this and I think the only logical approach would be to reduce the skill points needed in the Ranger profession by 50%. I think this would balance it out more and more closely align it with other elite professions.

(note by saying 50%, I am just putting a number out there, it might need more and it might need less).
You can still dual master (triple if you count scout) and hit CL80 with the available skill points. Its a bit more expensive, but comes with advantages too. Hybrid professions come with the requirement to have branches in two basic professions which is almost as expensive and has less benefit. The Ranger Revamp is coming, until then I disagree on making it cheaper.
You can still dual master (triple if you count scout) and hit CL80 with the available skill points. Its a bit more expensive, but comes with advantages too. Hybrid professions come with the requirement to have branches in two basic professions which is almost as expensive and has less benefit. The Ranger Revamp is coming, until then I disagree on making it cheaper.
ranger takes far more skill points than even hybrid professions and then take into account that currently getting master ranger is essentially master BH stats without special missions, abilities or relevant stats from at least having the marksman tree plus some DNA harvesting. With a reduction like image designer it would still cost more than any other hybrid prof. Im cool with this my suggestion of making it take only the 2 more relevant scout bars or korto's suggestion of putting ranger's DNA harvesting into master scout because until the revamp its existence does nothing but hinder BE's going for mutations. That said it would be great if the heavy requirements were taken into account for the revmap as well
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ranger takes far more skill points than even hybrid professions and then take into account that currently getting master ranger is essentially master BH stats without special missions, abilities or relevant stats from at least having the marksman tree plus some DNA harvesting. With a reduction like image designer it would still cost more than any other hybrid prof. Im cool with this my suggestion of making it take only the 2 more relevant scout bars or korto's suggestion of putting ranger's DNA harvesting into master scout because until the revamp its existence does nothing but hinder BE's going for mutations. That said it would be great if the heavy requirements were taken into account for the revmap as well