- Proposal
- These are the suggestions I propose to add and change the scout & ranger class.
Novice ScoutMelee Defense +10Ranged Defense +10Trapping +10Camping +10Creature Knowledge +10Creature Harvesting +10Terrain Negotiation +5
Exploration ITerrain Negotiation +5Burst Run Efficiency +5Movement Rate +1Exploration IITerrain Negotiation +5Burst Run Efficiency +5Movement Rate +1Exploration IIITerrain Negotiation +10Burst Run Efficiency +10Movement Rate +1Exploration IVTerrain Negotiation +20Burst Run Efficiency +20Movement Rate +2
The exploration line of scout becomes a mini version of the squad leader movement speed buff, it is now a great line for Bounty Hunters to take and does not feel like a waste of points. Movement Rate is a new statistic that increases movement speed by 1% per 1 point, so having Exploration IV means you move 5% faster by base. This is great for Bounty Hunters and people who have to move around.
The new trapping line.
Trapping ITrapping Efficiency +5Abilities: Tangle NetEffect: A trap that is used to lower the target's movement speed and knockdown resistance.Trapping IITrapping Efficiency +5General Ranged Accuracy +5Melee Defense +5Trapping IITrapping Efficiency +5General Melee Accuracy +5Ranged Defense +5
Trapping IVTrapping Efficiency +5Abilities: Improved Tangle NetEffect: A trap that is used to lower the target's movement speed and knockdown resistance. This upgrade increases the radius of Tangle Net and has a small chance to knockdown.
Trapping Efficiency is a new statistic name that now similar to Bio-Suppression Efficiency from CM. It improves the overall de-buff effects of all traps.
New Hunting Line
Hunting IDNA Harvesting +20Creature Knowledge +10Creature Harvesting +10General Ranged Accuracy +5General Melee Accuracy +5Hunting IIDNA Harvesting +20Creature Knowledge +25Creature Harvesting +15Abilities: CamouflageEffect: Hides your character on the map, masks your scent from aggressive creatures for a short time and makes you translucent and harder to see. Does not stealth you per se, but also removes your name. In addition, the /target command also does not work on you. Breaks when you attack or in combat. This also works for humanoids as it makes you harder to detect.Costs: Heavy Mind Pool Drain; it drains slowly every 3 seconds until it runs out.Hunting IIIDNA Harvesting +20Creature Knowledge +10Creature Harvesting +10General Ranged Accuracy +5General Melee Accuracy +5Hunting IVDNA Harvesting +20Creature Knowledge +10Creature Harvesting +10Abilities: Improved CamouflageEffect: Hides your character on the map, masks your scent from aggressive creatures for a short time and makes you translucent and harder to see. Does not stealth you per se, but also removes your name. In addition, the /target command also does not work on you. Breaks when you attack or in combat. This also works for humanoids as it makes you harder to detect. This version has decreased detection rating.Costs: Medium Mind Pool Drain; it drains slowly every 3 seconds until it runs out.
As you can see, so far it is a total revamp, the idea is to add both unique and fun effects to all the lines. I even considered moving class requirements around to more use these trees.
New Survival Line
Survival IBonus Elemental Armor: +50Poison Resistance +10Bleeding Resistance +5Disease Resistance +5Camping +15Survival IBonus Elemental Armor: +100Poison Absorption +10Bleeding Absorption +5Disease Absorption +5Camping +20Survival IIIBonus Elemental Armor: +150Camping +20Fire Resistance +10Bleed Resistance +5Disease Resistance +5Camping +20Survival IVBonus Elemental Armor: +200Fire Absorption +10Bleed Absorption +5Disease Absorption +5Camping +20
Master ScoutTerrain Negotiation +10Trapping Efficiency +10Burst Run Efficiency +10Creature Harvesting +10Movement Rate +5DNA Harvesting +20Camping +15Abilities: Advanced CamouflageEffect: Hides your character, mount, and vehicle on the map, masks your scent from aggressive creatures for a short time and makes you translucent and harder to see. Does not stealth you per se, but also removes your name. In addition, the /target command also does not work on you. Breaks when you attack or in combat. This also works for humanoids as it makes you harder to detect. This version has decreased detection rating and allows you to attack in combat without it breaking. This version can be used riding a mount or vehicle.Costs: Small Mind Pool Drain; it drains slowly every 3 seconds until it runs out.
This is one of the most boring lines ever made, and I still am surprised it exists. This revamp changes it completely and makes it at least viable. Survival provides natural resistances to things you would find in the environment. I was also going to suggest Commando have it's requirements changed to this line from Brawler. This line passively reduces the damage taken from dots and other harsh environment effects. In addition, this line also provides additional armor against elemental damage.
These are the suggestions for ranger.
Ranger has gone a full revamp, instead of being a poor class that sets camps it has now advanced combat skills. Ranger now requires x44x Scout.
Novice RangerGeneral Ranged Accuracy +10General Ranged Speed +10General Melee Accuracy +10General Melee Speed +10Ranged Defense +10Melee Defense +10Trapping Efficiency +10Guerilla Warfare +10Abilities: Advanced Tangle NetEffect: A trap that is used to lower the target's movement speed and knockdown resistance. This upgrade increases the radius of Tangle Net more and has a bigger chance to knockdown.Hiding & Concealment IGeneral Ranged Accuracy +5Abilities: Camouflage GroupEffect: Hides you and any grouped character near you on the map, masks your scent from aggressive creatures for a short time and makes you translucent and harder to see. Does not stealth you persay, but also removes your name. In addition, the /target command also does not work on you. Breaks when you attack or in combat. This also works for humanoids as it makes you harder to detect. This also adds small amounts of bushes around you to help conceal you and your group.Costs: Heavy Mind Pool Drain; it drains slowly every 3 seconds.Hiding & Concealment IIGeneral Ranged Accuracy +5Melee Defense +5Abilities: AmbushEffect: This is a special ranged attack that deals damage and camouflages you for a short period, this special version of camouflage makes you like predator (can see, still target but much harder to see) and drops the enemy's target from you, so the enemy has to manually click you again. Shares a cooldown with Assassinate.Hiding & Concealment IIIGeneral Ranged Accuracy +10Abilities: Improved Camouflage GroupEffect: Hides you and any grouped character near you on the map, masks your scent from aggressive creatures for a short time and makes you translucent and harder to see. Does not stealth you persay, but also removes your name. In addition, the /target command also does not work on you. Breaks when you attack or in combat. This also works for humanoids as it makes you harder to detect. This also adds small amounts of bushes around you to help conceal you and your group.Costs: Medium Mind Pool Drain; it drains slowly every 3 seconds.Hiding & Concealment IVGeneral Ranged Accuracy +15Melee Defense +5Abilities: Improved AmbushEffect: This is a special ranged attack that deals damage and camouflages you for a short period, this special version of camouflage makes you like predator (can see, still target but much harder to see) and drops the enemy's target from you, so the enemy has to manually click you again. This version deals more damage and lasts 1 second longer. Shares a cooldown with Assassinate.
As you can see, the concealment line is all about well, concealment. It is mostly for ranged attacks and the ranged part of the line.
Stealth Line
Stealth & Subterfuge IGeneral Melee Accuracy +5Stealth +5Abilities: StealthEffect: NGE Stealth from the Spy profession. Your movement speed is lowered by 50%, and you cannot use this ability near any entity. Any damage recieved or attacking breaks it.Costs: Large Mind Pool Drain; it drains slowly every 3 seconds. Unlike Camouflage, tab targeting and /target CAN target you, and you are not hidden on the map. The idea is to use both camouflage and stealth, stealth is more for sneaking in after you get closer with camouflage.Stealth & Subterfuge IIGeneral Melee Accuracy +5Stealth +5Slicing: Terminals (Or GCW Bases)Abilities: Paralyze DartEffect: Paralyzes the target in a daze for a long period, they can't do anything, but any damage breaks this effect. Lasts 15 seconds, and CAN be used in stealth.Stealth & Subterfuge IIIGeneral Melee Accuracy +10Ranged Defense +10Stealth +10Abilities: Improved StealthEffect: NGE Stealth from the Spy profession. Your movement speed is lowered by 33%, and you cannot use this ability near any entity. Any damage recieved or attacking breaks it. Unlike Camouflage, tab targeting and /target CAN target you, and you are not hidden on the map.Costs: Medium Mind Pool Drain; it drains slowly every 3 seconds.Stealth & Subterfuge IVGeneral Melee Accuracy +15Abilities: AssassinateEffect: A very damage high melee attack that deals damage and bleeds the target, must be camouflaged or in stealth to use, can be used not in stealth but deals half the damage. Shares a cooldown with Ambush.Secondary Effect: Surprised! (cannot use stims or heal for 10 seconds, only works when activating from stealth.)
This was fun to design and come up with concepts for, and I love the idea of a ranger sneaking up and gutting someone, or paralyzing someone who wasn't paying attention to get around or shut down a base.
This is the next line.
Anti-Personal Devices & Traps IMelee Defense +5Guerilla Warfare +10Abilities: Spike TrapEffect: A trap that causes damage to both the health and mind pool when standing in it, and slows the target, and is similar to tangle bomb from NGE Bounty Hunter. This ability costs mind to use, instead of action.Anti-Personal Devices & Traps IIRanged Defense +5Guerilla Warfare +15Abilities: Razor NetEffect: A trap that causes heavy bleeding and slows the target, and is similar to the trap from NGE Bounty Hunter. This ability costs mind to use, instead of action. shares a cooldown with Tangle Net.Anti-Personal Devices & Traps IIIMelee Defense +5Guerilla Warfare +20Abilities: Improved Spike TrapEffect: A trap that causes damage to both the health and mind pool when standing in it, and slows the target, and is similar to tangle bomb from NGE Bounty Hunter. This ability costs mind to use, instead of action.Anti-Personal Devices & Traps IVRanged Defense +5Guerilla Warfare +20Abilities: Improved Razor NetEffect: A trap that causes even more bleeding damage and slows the target, and is similar to the trap from NGE Bounty Hunter, this version also lowers the target's bleed absorption. This ability costs mind to use, instead of action. shares a cooldown with Tangle Net.
Guerilla Warfare is a new statistic that works similar to Medical Warfare Efficiency. It improves the damage over time effects of all traps significantly. This line is very fun and shares similarities to other classes.
And finally...
Pursuit & Countermeasures ITrapping Efficiency +10Movement Rate +1General Ranged Speed +5General Melee Speed +5Abilities: Detect CamouflageEffects: Detect Camouflage This skill allows you discover hidden people and objects in your immediate areaPursuit & Countermeasures IITrapping Efficiency +10Movement Rate +1General Ranged Speed +5General Melee Speed +5Ranged Defense +5Melee Defense +5Abilities: DecoyEffects: Produces a decoy character that looks exactly like you and deals no damage, giving you a special stealth that lasts 2 seconds.If you hold ranged: it runs opposite of you and fires at the target.If you hold melee: it runs towards the target and attacks them.Pursuit & Countermeasures IIITrapping Efficiency +10Movement Rate +1General Ranged Speed +5General Melee Speed +5Abilities: Improved Detect CamouflageEffects: Detect Camouflage This skill allows you discover hidden people and objects in a wider area.Pursuit & Countermeasures IVTrapping Efficiency +10Movement Rate +2General Ranged Speed +10General Melee Speed +10Abilities: Improved DecoyEffects: Produces a decoy character that looks exactly like you and deals no damage, giving you a special stealth that lasts 3 seconds.If you hold ranged: it runs opposite of you and fires at the target.If you hold melee: it runs towards the target and attacks them.
I took tons of inspiration from different sources, for example this took inspiration from the mesmer class in gw2.
Now to Master Ranger. Finally. I can sleep soon.
Master RangerGeneral Ranged Accuracy +10General Ranged Speed +15General Melee Accuracy +10General Melee Speed +15Ranged Defense +15Melee Defense +15Trapping Efficiency +20Guerilla Warfare +75Movement Rate +5Abilities: Advanced DecoyEffects: Produces a decoy character that looks exactly like you and deals auto-attack damage, giving you a special stealth that lasts 4 seconds.If you hold ranged: it runs opposite of you and fires at the target.If you hold melee: it runs towards the target and attacks them.Abilities: Advanced StealthEffect: NGE Stealth from the Spy profession. Your movement speed is lowered by 25%, and you cannot use this ability near any entity. Any damage recieved or attacking breaks it. Unlike Camouflage, tab targeting and /target CAN target you, and you are not hidden on the map.Costs: Small Mind Pool Drain; it drains slowly every 3 seconds.Abilities: Advanced Camouflage GroupEffect: Hides you and any grouped character near you on the map, masks your scent from aggressive creatures for a short time and makes you translucent and harder to see. Does not stealth you persay, but also removes your name. In addition, the /target command also does not work on you. Breaks when you attack or in combat. This also works for humanoids as it makes you harder to detect. This also adds small amounts of bushes around you to help conceal you and your group.Costs: Small Mind Pool Drain; it drains slowly every 3 seconds.This was a literal nightmare to come up with ideas, but I hope that these will inspire senators and devs alike with a flame of inspiration.
- Justification
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Now that I am more awake and got sleep, I will say that the skills and Ranger itself has never been on-par with any class. When designing these abilities I took great care to think of how they would affect the game and other classes. If you notice they have certain effects that go against the meta to further add to gameplay and make it fun to play but also not frustrating and seemingly un-killable like spies in NGE.
Why is Stealth and Camouflage different?
- Stealth is vision invisibility but does not prevent them from being targeted and found or even spotted on the map. Think of this like predator, you can "barely" see them and only see a small shimmer if they are moving.
- Camouflage is radar, tab targeting, /targeting prevention. You can still target someone manually and can still see them (though they are just a little harder to see (think of what players see if they used stealth in NGE)
When I played spy and used it, if you use your brain your pretty much impossible to take down. With the reduced TTK ratio of restoration Stealth on it's own would be too powerful, thus the need to separate it. By doing this you add more counterplay as well and add more fun to the game.
Why Ambush and Decoy?
Mesmer ability, loved Mesmer, loved gw2 before they fired all the original combat developers.
Why Assassinate?
I loved operative in SWTOR, this ability functions like it. Leaving an enemy surprised is also a unique effect I came up with today.
TL;DR version is Ranger needs a ton of help. These are merely suggestions as I said, and pointed out. I started typing this up at 11 and it's almost 4 am, so have a good night.
- Motivation
Over the past few days I have seen many suggestions but I thought it would be a great idea to not only put my own suggestions but many i've seen thrown around the channels. These are suggestions not only to make Scout and Ranger feel like their own class, but suggest balance improvements overall for the entire game. As usual, I will go over these changes mechanically. These changes make the scout lines more combat-focused like other professions.