Make "/escapepod yes" set all your equipped space parts to ~10% upon respawn

Make "/escapepod yes" set all your equipped space parts to ~10% upon respawn
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Typing "/es yes" or "/escapepod yes" in space respawns you at the closest spaceport and fully repairs your ship for free. This pretty much invalidates the repair mechanics in space and lowers the value of crafted repair kits.
This would force players to either sink credits into repairing at a space station or force them to buy repair kits from a shipwright instead of having infinite free repairs.
At the moment space part repair kits are not used very often and one can just type /es yes to fully repair their ship for free.
Make "/es yes" or "/escapepod yes" set your starship parts to a low percentage, forcing you to either pay a crafter for a repair kit, or pay a space station to repair your ship components.
Yes to the proposed.

the /es yes thing is as silly mechanical oversight and In my honest opinion should be addressed.
Escapepod is a QOL timesaver and the damage suggested would just lead to more people giving up on space early in the missions. This is coming from someone who gets annoyed every time an SF imp pods when I get near them. Let's be honest, SW's are not hurting for things to sell, if a SW wants to move more repair kits start a pob pvp event.
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but people are using it as a way to avoid repair bills (which are substantial in a gunship) and for quick travelling while questing. there has to be a downside to escape podding.
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Escapepod is a QOL timesaver and the damage suggested would just lead to more people giving up on space early in the missions. This is coming from someone who gets annoyed every time an SF imp pods when I get near them. Let's be honest, SW's are not hurting for things to sell, if a SW wants to move more repair kits start a pob pvp event.
I don't think using your escape pod to avoid consequences is the qol timesaver that was intended.
/esc yes is used for a lot of reasons. Most of them are because the spouse has agro'd, the kids agro'd, dinner is burning, dog is trying to eat the cat. It is there for a quick and easy way out of space so you can reset when you're ATK later. No one takes advantage of the mechanic for financial gain. It does take a 100k or so to repair a boat but if you have a boat 100k is nothing. I think the idea would hurt the space game more than help it.
/esc yes is used for a lot of reasons. Most of them are because the spouse has agro'd, the kids agro'd, dinner is burning, dog is trying to eat the cat. It is there for a quick and easy way out of space so you can reset when you're ATK later. No one takes advantage of the mechanic for financial gain. It does take a 100k or so to repair a boat but if you have a boat 100k is nothing. I think the idea would hurt the space game more than help it.
Isn't that what the Home Port mechanic is for, not Escape pod?
I think the parts in a ship need to decay over time some even with repairs they should not last forever not as fast as speeders but enough where every month or so you need to replace them
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why dont some of you came into space and try the content? instead of bitching about something you know little to nothing about . in space you can not remove all your gear and go to the cloner to avoid decay as some of you do on ground, in space if you pvp or even venture to close to an enemy your insta killed , or mobs follow you through the whole sector , esc yes is a useful ability one you would apprachiate if you did space content or were in the slightest interested in doing the content, or maybe you have tried but cant do it so oh wait lets nerf this as "spacers are to rich there parts are free" they dont need swparts , some people have parts on there ships that take months if not years to re engineer to be able to get to end level content and your proposing they lose those parts with in a couple of hours if they pvp (1 shot one kill), or happen to agro the wrong thing. instead of putting a levvie on esc pod why not remove the op crafted borstals, which seem to be making millions for some people, lets make jet packs and bounty hunter armour outside of dwb, bring harvester lots into line with there size instead of all harvesters being 1 slot reguardless of being a personal one that pulls 4 ber or heavies that pull 14 ber.
fix trhe broken things before you mess around with things that actually work . Otherwise you will put another nail into the Coffin of jtl, where the community is still small and quite content atm. GO play ground content leave space to the fighters to complain about.when it goes wrong
I think the parts in a ship need to decay over time some even with repairs they should not last forever not as fast as speeders but enough where every month or so you need to replace them
A big FUCK NO to that... Any decent loadout will consist of RE'd Parts which can be a pain in the ass to finish off. Whislt i am not closed of to the idea of some form of decay on the parts there should be a mechanisinm where they can be FULLY repaired.
why dont some of you came into space and try the content? instead of bitching about something you know little to nothing about . in space you can not remove all your gear and go to the cloner to avoid decay as some of you do on ground, in space if you pvp or even venture to close to an enemy your insta killed , or mobs follow you through the whole sector , esc yes is a useful ability one you would apprachiate if you did space content or were in the slightest interested in doing the content, or maybe you have tried but cant do it so oh wait lets nerf this as "spacers are to rich there parts are free" they dont need swparts , some people have parts on there ships that take months if not years to re engineer to be able to get to end level content and your proposing they lose those parts with in a couple of hours if they pvp (1 shot one kill), or happen to agro the wrong thing. instead of putting a levvie on esc pod why not remove the op crafted borstals, which seem to be making millions for some people, lets make jet packs and bounty hunter armour outside of dwb, bring harvester lots into line with there size instead of all harvesters being 1 slot reguardless of being a personal one that pulls 4 ber or heavies that pull 14 ber.
fix trhe broken things before you mess around with things that actually work . Otherwise you will put another nail into the Coffin of jtl, where the community is still small and quite content atm. GO play ground content leave space to the fighters to complain about.when it goes wrong
I do do space. I do not cloner teleport - I think thats as bad as using escape pod as a way to end your session. Escape pod is for emergency situations. You want a quick(ish) extraction from space combat then use a hyperspace option. Homeport is good, but you can't macro keybind it, you can to say Miner's Yard ( /hyperspace space_tatooine_0). Escape pod is for if you are up schit creek and need an emergency way to escape death - it should have a cost.
Ya they dont even fix their own broken content so i dont see a nerf happening anytime soon. Tc jedi seems to get all the love currently
/esc yes is used for a lot of reasons. Most of them are because the spouse has agro'd, the kids agro'd, dinner is burning, dog is trying to eat the cat. It is there for a quick and easy way out of space so you can reset when you're ATK later. No one takes advantage of the mechanic for financial gain. It does take a 100k or so to repair a boat but if you have a boat 100k is nothing. I think the idea would hurt the space game more than help it.

Yeah, this reasoning doesn't fly with me. Most of the reason people use "/esc yes" is to ditch out of a losing fight and avoid the repair bill. They can pop out, be back at 100%, run their overloads again, and fly back at no cost. That is not the way it should work.

You don't go into space just to travel from planet to planet. You have the TRAVEL option for that. When you go into space, you are accepting the inherent risks associated with it, whether it be from PVE or PVP. You may get into a scrape you can't survive. You may have to eject. Your ship should be damaged from it, and you should have to pay the repair bill.

If there's a case of wife aggro, or child aggro, dinner is burning, or dog eating the cat, or what have you then that's what Home Port is for. To get you back on the ground ASAP. If you had been running overloads that result in your parts needing some repair, then you repair those next time you go up.

I think the parts in a ship need to decay over time some even with repairs they should not last forever not as fast as speeders but enough where every month or so you need to replace them

Yeah, I can't agree with this. There are people who spend literally months gathering space loot for that perfect RE project. I myself spent a year on live just gathering the loot I wanted for a single weapon. To have those kinds of efforts negated after a month or so of use would result in me not even bothering.
Yeah, this reasoning doesn't fly with me. Most of the reason people use "/esc yes" is to ditch out of a losing fight and avoid the repair bill. They can pop out, be back at 100%, run their overloads again, and fly back at no cost. That is not the way it should work.

You don't go into space just to travel from planet to planet. You have the TRAVEL option for that. When you go into space, you are accepting the inherent risks associated with it, whether it be from PVE or PVP. You may get into a scrape you can't survive. You may have to eject. Your ship should be damaged from it, and you should have to pay the repair bill.

If there's a case of wife aggro, or child aggro, dinner is burning, or dog eating the cat, or what have you then that's what Home Port is for. To get you back on the ground ASAP. If you had been running overloads that result in your parts needing some repair, then you repair those next time you go up.

Yeah, I can't agree with this. There are people who spend literally months gathering space loot for that perfect RE project. I myself spent a year on live just gathering the loot I wanted for a single weapon. To have those kinds of efforts negated after a month or so of use would result in me not even bothering.
Totally with you on the first part.

On the second part, we should probably get a crafting senator who promotes crafted parts as the ultimate end game space gear. That way decay wouldn't necessarily be a tragic end to a months long search. But the concept of decay need not be the end of something, see vehicles. It does help drive the economy though.