Make space have a more meaningful impact on the gcw

Make space have a more meaningful impact on the gcw
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To make space and ground gcw more symbiotic and meaningful I propose the following changes.

1) if your faction does not control the space zone of a planet you wish to travel to then players with the rank of captain or above will be unable to fast travel in their own ships. The would have 2 options

Option 1. Take off and hyper and fly to the landing station while automatically flaged overt in space.

Option 2. They can pay triple the cost of a normal shuttle to said planet but they will only be accepted on one of every three shuttles.

2) seperate gcw into ground gcw and space gcw. In order to be promoted above major then a player would need to have at least a set amount of both space and ground gcw (15k ground 10k space).
having what is essentially a blockade system in place will give a more meaningful and tangible reason for space control other than just promotion for players.

The changes to how officers are promoted just makes sense. Why should a player be able achieve the hiigher ranks without putting in the work on all fronts. It makes no sense that someone who onlybdoes ground should be a planets general if they refuse to help the space effort amd vice versa
To see a more harmonious relationship between both aspects of the game within the gcw and to encourage more active participation in space.
Changes to how space zones impact gcw and officer ranks.
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Space is already extremely impactful in the GCW and in the last several assaults has been the deciding factor on planetary control. This is just unnecessary lol
Why is it unnecessary? The blokeade system adds a new dynamic to the gcw and also can you honestly think someone who only does ground os deserving of the higher ranks (and vice versa)?
Why is it unnecessary? The blokeade system adds a new dynamic to the gcw and also can you honestly think someone who only does ground os deserving of the higher ranks (and vice versa)?
Absolutely, the military has specializations for a reason.
Absolutely, the military has specializations for a reason.
It just seems wrong that in order to be generals then ground and space are needed and there can only be one general per planet. Honestly whos more deserving of there are 2 people wanting the rank. The person who only does one aspect of thebgcw or the one who does both?
It doesn't matter anyway because it was confirmed in the staff Q&A a few months ago that space and ground GCW were getting split apart
It just seems wrong that in order to be generals then ground and space are needed and there can only be one general per planet. Honestly whos more deserving of there are 2 people wanting the rank. The person who only does one aspect of thebgcw or the one who does both?
The one who's able to coordinate the effort to hold both aspects and earn enough GCW points to advance
This is the best way to go
Nah thats just silly it should be reliant on both aspects. Amd tbh look at irl conflicts. He who controls the skies controls the ground in most cases. Why do you think in desert storm ot was the air campaign that kicked it all off
Why not have an Admiral for space and a General for ground.
That would envolve having a whole new ranking sustem just for space. If the population was larger and more players actively did space only it could be looked into but at present with server population as it is the current ranking sustem works to a degree.
This is absolutely horrible. you would be forcing people to do things they dont want to. i hate space, just cause you like it doesnt mean the whole server needs to get involved in it.
Then thats your choice. But as a concequence you dont get the reward. Thats a fact of life. If your hero john cena didnt put in the work do you think he would have been champion. Nope he would not
no one wants this
The only ones downvoting arw those who dont do space and wont go up in a turret.. and since when do you care what ppl want or dont want. If you see merit to an idea it should be discussed. Fuel for example….. no one wants yet you are exploring and prob gonna implement os an example
I think Narmy went insane and made a Vryka PV.

By lore, Ground and Space Ranks have always been separated.
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