Option to remove certain flytext and animations from stimpacks.

Option to remove certain flytext and animations from stimpacks.
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
Add options to remove flytext from certain things, like "No Damage" and "You must wait ... seconds until using another stimpack."


I don't mind seeing the healing numbers and want to see them, it's everything else I don't want to see.
I have issues playing and seeing things well so when the game was doubled in speed (disabilities with sight) I had to bake abilities in macros to other abilities, but now it's hard to see my screen due to macroing stimpacks (which are required to play).

I had this issue before, but it was never this bad.
The huge bulky lightning particle effects in the new patch are also pretty crazy, but so is the fly text and this, tackling one problem at a time.
So - You want to see healing messages - just not the healing messages you specifically don't want to see because you're macroing stimpacks multiple times a second?
So - You want to see healing messages - just not the healing messages you specifically don't want to see because you're macroing stimpacks multiple times a second?
Yes, even if I didn't spam them I would rather see just the numbers.

It's like if you had grenades or any other item saying it's not ready. It's the only one like that.

if all others were like that I would also ask for those removed.
more manufactured issues by the one same person who keeps abusing and flooding the PV system
imagine me making a PV for every single thing i personally dislike like in the game