Approved - Other - PLS remove no trade / no trade shared from Decoration | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Approved Other PLS remove no trade / no trade shared from Decoration

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Sep 23, 2021
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Pls get rid of the no trade / no trade shared tag for decoration.
No trade for decoration is just dumb. It gives you 0 advantage and is just demotivation.
It sucks to get decoration you dont need but others would like to have.
More love for decoration!
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Please extend to loot as well. No trade loot is completely nonsensical. One instance is the wheelbike from nk.
I could see a account share but not trade on items such as themepark or quest exclusive rewards or token items. Not sure if that's what is being referenced.
I have a painting that is no trade shared. This painting would make a friend really happy but it is not tradeable. It doesn't make any sense
I have a painting that is no trade shared. This painting would make a friend really happy but it is not tradeable. It doesn't make any sense
what painting? I mean if it was say a lok themepark painting then he needs to go earn it, but if it was not a reward for something then i agree it doesn't make sense. If the other rewards were account shared then your friend could earn it the put it in a shop or house owned by any of the toons. 3rd toon could be combat if they do not have one.
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A portrait of the emperror. Got that out of a loot chest

I’m cool with cosmetic objects that are not rewards from quest/collection, exclusive, or limited in anyway being tradable. :)
But how many of those are non-tradeable anyway? Seems like a solution looking for a problem.
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No Trade removal will roll out in phases, as we work through the list and make sure we don't break the game. The intent is that any items that don't need to remain No Trade simply for game integrity will be available on the open market. This includes decorative items.
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