Not Implemented - Other - Races and Racial Bonus | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented Other Races and Racial Bonus

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Nov 21, 2021
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Yes, Players should have Racial Bonuses.
Same as the Motivation, It requires a lot of discussion and care.
The Character creation is an important step in any mmo, Be it for cosmetic or gameplay reasons.
As was just talked about in Discord, What do we think about the race's bonuses. Do we think they should have bonuses that are meaningful or be a purely cosmetic choice?

This not only impacts races currently in the game.. but future ones should they be added!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Racial bonuses should exist for the ability for some races to make parts just a bit easier or better. Having these racial bonuses creates a diverse game. For me it’s what makes SWG the game it is.
Do some racials not make sense or are weak? Sure. But then we should work to balance them out.
I really don’t like the idea of them being cosmetic or removed entirely. I don’t play this game to have it dumbed down like WoW.

Just my thoughts and open to discuss points of view :)
Just repeating my point from Discord (personal opinion):

I don't think they need to exist because I think the race of your character should be more about customization of what you want to play in your Star Wars fantasy and less about concerning yourselves with whether or not you get a few additional points towards some profession-specific attribute.

That said,

Or allow everyone to pick a perk or perk package on creation.

Racial bonuses should exist for the ability for some races to make parts just a bit easier or better. Having these racial bonuses creates a diverse game. For me it’s what makes SWG the game it is.
Do some racials not make sense or are weak? Sure. But then we should work to balance them out.
I really don’t like the idea of them being cosmetic or removed entirely. I don’t play this game to have it dumbed down like WoW.

Just my thoughts and open to discuss points of view :)
for crafting most racials are assembly which after getting established amounts to very little so with the exception of humans artisan experiment and some of the combat bonuses they are mostly cosmetic at this point
Dump them "bonuses". Most of them are useless anyhow.
Or allow everyone to pick a perk or perk package on creation.
im cool with just dumping them or the pick a perk is an interesting idea either way it would make adding new races much easier without the need to theorize and balance their specific bonuses
So what we are saying is, We would like to pick a starting out permanent buff, But should it be point based, or % based?
A more elaborate version would be to create a series of bonuses to make choices from. Say 20 possibilities for the sake of discussion, then make it so that each species (we need to stop calling them race for sure) has 1 or 2 that are not available to it. Much less restrictive, but it can still allow for flavor based on the physical or cultural attributes associated with the majority of the species.
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Also just to put on my Developer hat now, can the thread be adjusted to be clear what is being "upvoted" here? It should ask a yes/no question, so is this yes players should have racial bonuses?
Dump the "bonuses". Most of them are useless anyhow.
Or allow everyone to pick a perk or perk package on creation, which may be harder with established characters.
I do like this. Could be a ton of choices to pick from. You get lets say 20 points. each bonus could be worth so much. Sort of thing. I like this a lot really.
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I think bonuses are cool, no Twi'lek Dancer is going to be upset they "dance" a bit better then most other races.
But if the bonuses become too larger or almost a penalty if you don't pick the right race that's when IMO it becomes an issue.
Example would be a race with better Status resistances to the point, where you're handicapping yourself if you don't pick the "Combat Race".
Think WoW PvP Humans and Undead, having a extra racial trinket to clear CCs.

But I think a nice middle ground would be something like each race/every character having a few non-combat and combat bonuses they can choose. So then you still have diversity and a reason other than just cosmetic for picking a race and perks. But hopefully nothing that causes anyone to think "Oh I can't make a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter". Cause someone who makes a Trandoshan Hunter combat character, that gets lucky in combat that 1 extra time out of 100 times for any other race isn't game breaking and still helps you. (1/100 may be a good or horrible example for SWG)
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