Not Implemented - Reduce timer of ITV Call to 10 seconds | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented Reduce timer of ITV Call to 10 seconds

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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May 29, 2021
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Reduce the timer to 10 seconds
I could not call an ITV on Yarvin IV since everytime i called it someplace else in that time a critter nest spawned and after the 30 seconds it just told me there is no room for the ITV to land (or somthing like that)
ITV cannot be used on some planets
Please reduce the itv call timer to 10 seconds.. 30 seconds isnt working.. cause in that time critters and critter nests spawn near you and that thing gets cancelled because of them.
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I think that might be part of the point? Like you need to be in a spot where you could have multiple minutes safe to have a ship come land from space and transport you. Though I've still used 0 of ITV.
no try it out you will see what i mean. if you ever placed harvesters you know exactly what i mean
I would ask that the 90 minute timer on the cooldown be reduced, and the ridiculous amount of credits to use the ITV be reduced or eliminated, or needing a Mark V Fuel cell. I say one or the other not both. Then to say that player cities can charge up to 10000 to land in their city is Ludacris. This server just doesn't have enough active players and cities, so having to travel so far for some quests, having ITV's is a huge convenience. Again, I don't mind implementing to have to pay something, it's just more than obvious ITV's are not wanted in the game by devs and some players, that they are trying to accommodate both sides, but with how steep the price is on using them and how restrictive they are, it just doesn't make sense even having them in game. I would say if it could be implemented, charge 1000 credits to travel , and if it's to a player city let those credits go to that city. I would never be willing to pay 10k and then if a player city decided to charge 10k pay a total of 20k.
Thank you for your suggestion!

The timer is 30 seconds for two reasons:
  1. A primary concern raised about the implementation of ITVs was the ability to use them to flee from and/or avoid bounty hunters. Accordingly, the delay in time gives a bounty hunter the opportunity to interrupt a call of the ITV;
  2. The ITV is not intended to be a "get out of jail free" solution to being in a sticky situation where you could use it to avoid combat/death and thus death penalties like wounds and decay. As such, the timer maintains a balance in the risk/reward of the instantaneousness of travel perk when used.
There are 6 ways to get around:
  1. Walk
  2. Use a vehicle
  3. Use a shuttle
  4. Use a ship
  5. Use an Instant Travel Vehicle
  6. Die and clone
Each has tradeoffs and benefits. You get to decide which one you use. In the last 2 days, 30% of logged-in players have used ITVs, so plenty are making use of them, and others can choose not to. ITVs were not intended to be an easy-to-use, freebie gift to traveling around quickly without cost, planning, or playing.

if a player city decided

We give player cities more flexibility because it's their city, their choice what to charge. If you don't want to pay it, don't travel there or get there another way. If no one ever travels there, they may lower it because they aren't generating any revenue from it, or if a lot of people travel there, they may raise it because their city is an in-demand travel point.

The Development Team is currently satisfied with where ITVs fit in the overall travel modality matrix and as such we will close this suggestion. We invite more feedback to ITV mechanics after they have been implemented and are in larger circulation/use over the next six months.

May The Force Be With You,
The SWG Restoration III Development Team
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