Remove "Alliance Patches", such collection.

Remove "Alliance Patches", such collection.
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
I don't know what it's for, but I hate deleting them they are like chronicle loot for pvp, please turn them off.
I don't like spamming destroy every time I go into pvp.
Hate annoying mechanics.
These are for a collection and also can be consumed for GCW points. So the proposal is to remove them because you don’t like them?
These are for a collection and also can be consumed for GCW points. So the proposal is to remove them because you don’t like them?
Wouldn't it be better game design to remove them and just add more GCW to kills. An extra step is just needless redundancy.

Can they be consumed? I thought it was just a collection.
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Repeatable collection for GCW awards youbcan store and then claim when you have a bad/slow week and need to keep rank.

Down vote
Repeatable collection for GCW awards youbcan store and then claim when you have a bad/slow week and need to keep rank.

Down vote
I hate constantly deleting junk, can I have the option to turn it off instead?

Or make it stop dropping when you have it. Something that helps with inventory space management, i'm constantly afraid of deleting something good because I have to do it so often whenever PvPing.

How about it goes in the Datapad instead or a Bag?

How about making them consumables instead?

How about reward the new Imperial Tokens instead?
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That... is kind of nothing in the grand scheme of things. Just delete them.

That isn't even worth the trouble of house storage inventory management for these items, you can earn 1k faster from doing literally anything else.

Even if it was 10k, I don't know if it would be worth the trouble since its luck based.
You delete them as you seem to have the issue
I'm inclined to agree with this sentiment. The only middle ground I think would potentially make sense is something similar to /chroniclesLootToggle, I guess, but it would need a lot of support for the Development Team to spend time on this, and given I don't see that happening, this is probably going to go stale.
That... is kind of nothing in the grand scheme of things. Just delete them.

That isn't even worth the trouble of house storage inventory management for these items, you can earn 1k faster from doing literally anything else.

Even if it was 10k, I don't know if it would be worth the trouble since its luck based.
There’s nothing luck based about it. Kill rebel players for patches.

If a certain faction would flag up more then folks would be completing these collections a lot more often.