This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
Macro dumping gets in the way of even just being a good ENT.
Dancers without flo's going is just sad.
I was here at launch and still feel the same way about macro dumping. it did not stop anyone from doing anything and it seems more so just to get in the way of players trying to play. (there is nothing more sad than an ent with out ./flo) The issue has never been the use of macros to me. it has been and still is junk and the gathering of junk for RE and beast leveling to a small %. Both are mindless tasks in game, and I honestly see why people have chosen that path. That all said I propose this to the team and the community.
1. ./Rid of us macro dumping once and for all. You cannot have SWG without macros.
2. Implement a inactive pop up that reminds people they been afk running macros for x amount of time(90 mins or so) and if they do not respond with in a few minutes they get kicked offline and need to relog to get back into game.
3, Pick 6 junk items and give 2 each as schematics to crafters (that cannot RE to create attachments) at a master level as to make things even between all professions and to help RE people to grind out 35s. This will also insure not to make all junk invaluable if you limit the stats to say core stats.
I feel if you address the real issue, the need to dump macros goes away. That said places like DWB, Legacy locations, Heroic pre quest areas, should remain in some type of safe zone from those who would still take advantage of these areas and get in the way of other players.
Entertainers are exempt from Macro Dumps - you just have to build your macro with one of the approved commands (exactly - and case sensitive) and they will not trigger a macro dump:
Macro dump is 45minutes, and then you press a button on your toolbar to kick it off again. Other than time how different is that to your acknowledgement pop up?
I think the system is the right balance of automation personally.
Only thing I'd like to see is a longer timer for sampling, maybe 3 hours
Burned by an RE farmer were you? Are there any facts that support your reasonings? IE how would the current macro dump differ form the 90min dump you are suggesting? Is RE farming the main issue here or Ent's macros? To be honest your argument... if it was pointing to anything would be to remove looped macros altogether (which I'm all for).
Burned by an RE farmer were you? Are there any facts that support your reasonings? IE how would the current macro dump differ form the 90min dump you are suggesting? Is RE farming the main issue here or Ent's macros? To be honest your argument... if it was pointing to anything would be to remove looped macros altogether (which I'm all for).
I will just say you won’t be successful in garnering support for change on the RE front until certain individuals are no longer playing, so I wouldn’t hold your breath or anything.
Before the macro dumps, afk samplers reigned supreme, and Junk looters stacking up on static spawn npcs belonging to quest lines were everywhere.
Why are we trying to bring this back? AFK docs are already a dime a dozen, and they’re on the approved list. I cannot vote in favour of more AFKers benefiting.
Entertainers are exempt from Macro Dumps - you just have to build your macro with one of the approved commands (exactly - and case sensitive) and they will not trigger a macro dump:
"Before the macro dumps, afk samplers reigned supreme", and Junk looters stacking up on static spawn npcs belonging to quest lines were everywhere.
Why are we trying to bring this back? AFK docs are already a dime a dozen, and they’re on the approved list. I cannot vote in favour of more AFKers benefiting.
I think the point is that since the afk thing is not broke for Ent why would we want to become a server with half the population afk bots like some other server? I just don't see an upside to your suggestion.
Oh and you already get s system message saying something like Warning: Your active macros are about to be dumped.
Entertainers are exempt from Macro Dumps - you just have to build your macro with one of the approved commands (exactly - and case sensitive) and they will not trigger a macro dump:
I’m not stretching the facts. I wasn’t happy when the system was introduced, but in hindsight, it’s been great IMO. Macro dumping shouldn’t affect anyone who’s ATK. No one should also benefit more who isn’t.
AFK docs are approved and already make good money setting up in droves at the ME star port like you’re walking through a market with people trying to sell you drugs.
Ents aren’t broken, their macros work too. What exactly are we trying to fix?
I've played on another emu where macroing and multi-character log-ins were prevalent. That emu's economy is bloated with credits, making everything insanely expensive for a new player or a player who doesn't engage in AFK 'play'. One of the first things I noticed on Resto - and instantly warmed up to - was how easy and affordable it was to set up brand-new characters by playing the game normally.
The Restoration economy is a huge plus in its favor when someone is deciding between emus to play.
Thanks for your suggestion, as it seems moot by the exempted commands example, and because our inactivity rules still allow macro usage, they are just dumped within a specific window, such that you are still able to perform activities such as AFK-grinding, just not indefinitely, I'm going to close this suggestion.
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