Smuggler unarmed XP.

Smuggler unarmed XP.
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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I suggest we remove unarmed xp from the requirements of Smuggler as it is currently wasted points leading Smuggler to have abilities it cannot use.
One potential option to support this would be to switch the req. From Unarmed to Medic.
Another option. if possible, is to allow Smuggler to use melee abilities with a pistol equipped.
Smuggler has no use whatsoever for the unarmed xp at the current time making them wasted points.
Seeing many friends slowly get annoyed at needless points spent with no justification of it has led me to open this thread.
Remove or change the requirement of Smuggler in regards to its Unarmed XP.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Disagree with his idea in only the fact you want to replace the unarmed tree with medic. That would give too big of a boost and not meaningful to the class itself. I would suggest he terrain negotiation tree in scout or something similar.
Disagree with his idea in only the fact you want to replace the unarmed tree with medic. That would give too big of a boost and not meaningful to the class itself. I would suggest he terrain negotiation tree in scout or something similar.
Im not against other ideas for changes. Simply shooting other ideas as a whole. Scout certainly is a nice one to add in, but also might bleed into BH for some.

As for meaning for the class, my thoughts behind medic (although not the point of this post but in happy to clarify) is the making of Spice that Smugglers do.
I'm not going to close this, but I'd encourage you to reach out to your Senators and discuss this in the Discord senate channels to try to reach a consensus about a change like this, which won't be reached through forum replies.
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Remove or change the requirement of Smuggler in regards to its Unarmed XP.
I don't know what you mean, but I fully agree.

If you mean changing Smuggler. I think it should be xxx4 Medic instead of 4xxx Brawler as well.

Spice being Organic Chemistry makes sense, and Smuggler getting a unique way to heal would benefit the class a lot, we need more Medic classes anyways, as compared to Scout/Brawler/Sharpshooter/Entertainer it lacks a lot.

Organic Chemistry makes sense to Smugglers, way more than it does Unarmed. It would also be cool to see Smuggler get some healing options, it would make the class unique compared to others.

If they do want to do that, I can suggest ideas but that is another PV. I enjoyed Healing Smuggler in SWTOR though...

*Cough* Underworld Medicine is <3 *Cough*
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