Open - Space - Space Currency like Midlithe Crystals for Ship Paints/Decals/Customization | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Space Space Currency like Midlithe Crystals for Ship Paints/Decals/Customization

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May 29, 2021
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Would it take a lot to implement adding currency drops from already existing enemy space factions (Black Sun, Void Wing, etc) that can buy unique customization options from those factions such as more paints or decals or dare I say more ships?

Just a thought
Currently as is, ship customization seems very limited. Not including imps not being able to custom their ships, not all rebel/freelance ships can be customized in terms of their external appearance.
Allowing more utilization of space in general (jtl) and ship customization.
Midlithe Crystals from killing space mobs in Ord Mantell was a good start allowing those that farmed to buy unique components such as the nova/orion engines.
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Reactions: Maximilian
I like this, certainly expands space activities. +1 point of Based.