Species / headwear locks

Species / headwear locks
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Review certain head items that do not categorically make sense to lock certain races from using (Devaronian EG)
cosmetically locked from valuable appearance items and otherwise in some cases ability to tape said items for certain races sharing human mesh form with exception of horns??
Wish to both remove unintended racist locks from some races/clothing, and allow a more universal appearance selection as well as taping for those that wish to use with non coms
Having recently attained a Carnage berret however cannot apply this particular item or appearance on Devaronian, there are a number of other items that realistically do not make sense to race hard lock for Devaronians or similar where difference largely is just a pair of horns versus a standard human mesh model.
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As a tailor main and someone enamored with the swg crafted clothing and hoping to own sets of looted/loot schem clothing. I support a change being made for such a thing.
I would not have made a Devaronian if I had known they just don't get to wear anything on their heads except, weirdly enough, the wrapped scarf, which is hard to make look good. It does not make sense that the Devaronian is race locked from helmets showing when pretty much every other race with their odd shaped heads or tentacles can. I feel the need to save up 1m so I can change my characters race just because of this. Let the horns just clip through. I'm sure it's not that simple, but I hope it is.
Also a tailor here, and a devaronian. I know I will want looted schematics as well, and it's frustrating knowing I won't be able to wear any of the headgear.
I would not have made a Devaronian if I had known they just don't get to wear anything on their heads except, weirdly enough, the wrapped scarf, which is hard to make look good. It does not make sense that the Devaronian is race locked from helmets showing when pretty much every other race with their odd shaped heads or tentacles can. I feel the need to save up 1m so I can change my characters race just because of this. Let the horns just clip through. I'm sure it's not that simple, but I hope it is.
so SOME gear IE exar kun head/cape they clip fine, others IE carnage berret etc are just plain locked even though the mesh design would hide the horns clipping and heck some like the clock actually looks cool AF with the horns clipping
I had a devaronian and had this change been in place then I would likely be able to fully enjoy swgr way more than I do now since Devaronians are one of my favorite races.
I agree with this completely. It seems completely arbitrary what headwear a devaronian can wear (the NS head pieces and the christmas hat work just fine) and can't (I'd really like that halo from the ewok love fest vender or the fedora, but nope, they're red for my species). A re-evaluation of the decisions to bar this or that item for specific species with a bit more consistency would be much appreciated.
Considering Devaronians are in the "humanoid" category, they can't wear:

1. Helmets
2. Earrings (Twi'leks can wear earrings, of which females don't have humanoid ears.)
3. EFoL Halo

Is this intended? Is there a reason Devaronians can't wear most head items? They can wear the EFoL heart glasses but they sit far in front of the (female) face; already bug-reported. They can also wear head scarves. Devaronian players want their characters to wear the cool stuff, too! :devilish:
I agree with this completely. It seems completely arbitrary what headwear a devaronian can wear (the NS head pieces and the christmas hat work just fine) and can't (I'd really like that halo from the ewok love fest vender or the fedora, but nope, they're red for my species). A re-evaluation of the decisions to bar this or that item for specific species with a bit more consistency would be much appreciated.
The carnage berret (nightsister headpiece) from AM heroic doesn't work irritatingly, just feels like a bare bones pass was made on items adding or forgetting to add devaronian tag
Unless we specifically address an item as otherwise being blocked intentionally, please report these as bugs. They do not require a PV.
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