Squad Leader: "Leadership" stat.

Squad Leader: "Leadership" stat.
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
Add Leadership back to Squad Leader, make it lower the GCD speed after using a squad leader ability.
After using an ability you have to wait 3-4 seconds, this was fine when abilities were 30 minutes, but now they last 1 minute or 3 minutes.

I am currently x2xx because there is no reason to get any buff besides Steady Aim or the 2 master ones, and Steady Aim on it's own is pretty good. If Leadership was a stat again spread around the tree it would make sense they do it better than someone who is x2xx.
Game is very fast, but buffing as an officer is way too slow now, especially since you have to spam the buffs.
I honestly wish there was more reason to use other buffs, or they had longer cooldowns, c'est la vie.

There is a similar issue with the "Rapid Fire" combat speed buff from Carbines, the GCD is so long after that it's almost not worth using.
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Some of the long cooldowns are to balance with the extra fast cooldowns that come with the new SL grenades.
But I will say I (and others) have brought up the GCD speed of some of the other SL abilities being too slow.

It's news to me about the Rapid Fire ability; you should probably report that in Bug Triage on Discord
Maybe it can be tied in with the length and action use of the SL buffs.

Something like Tactics and Entrench aren’t so bad, but as a MSL, perhaps more benefit to having more leadership in a sense that you don’t need to apply the buffs as often.

Together, or separately, action use for buffs can be high, unless leadership is attained throughout the profession, which would lower action use and be of more benefit to be MSL.
Maybe it can be tied in with the length and action use of the SL buffs.

Something like Tactics and Entrench aren’t so bad, but as a MSL, perhaps more benefit to having more leadership in a sense that you don’t need to apply the buffs as often.

Together, or separately, action use for buffs can be high, unless leadership is attained throughout the profession, which would lower action use and be of more benefit to be MSL.
How it was before was almost every box in SL got +5 leadership but it did nothing.

I would rather they be faster honestly but more duration isn't a bad idea, it just seemed like they wanted them to be spammed, but your idea is better if it's actually..well, more than 1 minute or it wouldn't be worth it.

I think both are an issue though, the GCD is just....slow.