Not Implemented - Other - Three characters is already too many, do not give a 4th for Jedi. | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented Other Three characters is already too many, do not give a 4th for Jedi.

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Jan 19, 2022
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Limit characters to only 3 total.
A better community.
The game is designed to require others.
With the way xp works here I can master a crafting profession in less than an hour.
With 3 characters I am already completely self-sufficient, a fourth would be complete overkill.
Two should really be the max, but 3 is already done - just stop already.
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As the 4th would be a slot to replace one of the three you already have, when they have to completely respec as a Jedi, the 4th is actually maintaining the status quo. As we all know the real work of a crafter is resources, and the ability to grind out a crafting profession fast can't change that. For me, I'm fine with 3 pre-Jedi slots.
As the 4th would be a slot to replace one of the three you already have, when they have to completely respec as a Jedi, the 4th is actually maintaining the status quo.
How do you come to that conclusion?
A jedi is a combat toon, not really that different from a swordsman, other than exclusive jedi content to play through, if any.
If anything, a jedi will make the game easier, unless they have perma-death in mind - which I would support in a heartbeat.
If we get perma-death for jedi - sure let us have a 4th - if not - it's overkill.
My opinion of course, and if it ever sound like I am arguing or fighting, that's just my style of poor communication skills... :)

Plus the more toons you have the more lots you have which makes getting resources even easier.
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Your combat toon can be a ranger today, and a tailor tomorrow. Its flexible which seems to be your concern with the 3rd toon slot at all. Jedi is not. Its a Jedi and that is that.

Likewise of course, my opinion. And opinions are like exhaust ports, everyone has them and they all stink.
How do you come to that conclusion?
A jedi is a combat toon, not really that different from a swordsman, other than exclusive jedi content to play through, if any.
If anything, a jedi will make the game easier, unless they have perma-death in mind - which I would support in a heartbeat.
If we get perma-death for jedi - sure let us have a 4th - if not - it's overkill.
My opinion of course, and if it ever sound like I am arguing or fighting, that's just my style of poor communication skills... :)

Plus the more toons you have the more lots you have which makes getting resources even easier.
Not perma death. There is a ghost system though. When you die depending on your rank. You will turn into a Jedi Ghost that can't do anything but train other Jedi I believe.
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lol, for how long will one stay a ghost?
Factual details aren’t fully known to the community about Jedi at this time. However I’ll give some details here, so “ghost” is when the Jedi runs out of lives. The duration is dependent upon a few factors, but eventually the Jedi will exit “ghost” and become usable.

Also we only let players have 2 characters for free, the other two must be earned.
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