Open - Combat - Artisan - Unique Weapon Statistics | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Combat Artisan Unique Weapon Statistics

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Nov 4, 2023
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I think it would be interesting if weapons had more unique statistics and abilities like in Pre-CU. It was one thing that I miss from it, and I would like to see that return as long as it can be feasible to balance out.

This image shows a visual of things I desire, but just a few categories of this suggestion.

A) Favoring Elemental damage, or deals more Elemental Damage (switched around).
B) Less damage, more Accuracy Bonus.
C) More raw Wound Damage; think Lava Cannon (unique wound dot?).
D) Weapons that have DOT Duration and DOT Intensity. (See Above).
E) Weight. How much a weapon slows you down to wield. I believe that pistols should not slow you down as much as a rifle, for example.

Weapons right now are pretty much just skins, no variation really.

Simple. Imagine all the variety of gameplay you can have, the playstyles and overall fun it could add to crafting, combat, and other parts of the game.

I shall explain why each category is important.

A) Allows armor to be more variable in the future, more elemental resistance, or penetration resistance.
B) Consistency. Some players favor hitting more to hitting hard.
C) Slowly wears people down in a fight and prevents straight healing, but not Battle Fatigue.
D) Playstyle variety; some people like slowly wearing down opponents.
E) Weight could just be in categories. "Light, Medium, Heavy", no fancy numbers.

I really love variety and making ideas. For me variety is the spice of life to games and I really loved how Pre-CU fully utilized SWG's unique crafting system.

I think it is pretty boring that it is currently: Cap Damage than go to speed. It makes the game feel boring and was why I liked CU/PreCU over NGE.

I hope this is a good suggestion, good luck and good reading!
Your list with Damage, accuracy, wounds, speed is already done with power ups. Are you asking for Elemental Power ups. C) and D) say the same thing in your category importance list.
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Your list with Damage, accuracy, wounds, speed is already done with power ups. Are you asking for Elemental Power ups. C) and D) say the same thing in your category importance list.
so with the exception of wounds and dots, which as far as im concerned are some of the worst aspects of pre-cu combat(we've already had disease wounds nerfed), you mean exactly how weapons currently are? when you craft a weapon and dont use maxed element the max is damage conversely higher. Last i looked running is slower for carbines, rifles and heavies than pistol and as long as you dont leave combat the worse effect stays so switching solved and more accuracy vs damage is once again crafters choice. There are also power cubes that grant even more accuracy bonus(one of the few that were fixed) if you happen to use a weapon type that has a schematic with a cube slot.
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Your list with Damage, accuracy, wounds, speed is already done with power ups. Are you asking for Elemental Power ups. C) and D) say the same thing in your category importance list.
Elemental power ups sounds interesting
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I hope this is a good suggestion, good luck and good reading!
Overall the general idea is good, at least I think so. But as has been mentioned before you really should try to "polish" these ideas more. Maybe chat them up in the pvp channel, get with a Senator and a few others and get their feedback. It doesn't mean they have to agree but it helps to get to the final product rather than just tossing out ideas and getting them torn up. For example last time out of that came the possiblity of Stims beeing tweaked. Here already someone mentioned powerups (elemental).

With the amount of content and the lack of time the Devs have the easier and less time consuming an idea is the more likely it is to get done and done quickly even. So have all the ideas you want but try to research and polish them up first, assuming you haven't here. Again I like the overall general idea but see that it needs paired down and redefined.
so with the exception of wounds and dots, which as far as im concerned are some of the worst aspects of pre-cu combat(we've already had disease wounds nerfed), you mean exactly how weapons currently are? when you craft a weapon and dont use maxed element the max is damage conversely higher. Last i looked running is slower for carbines, rifles and heavies than pistol and as long as you dont leave combat the worse effect stays so switching solved and more accuracy vs damage is once again crafters choice. There are also power cubes that grant even more accuracy bonus(one of the few that were fixed) if you happen to use a weapon type that has a schematic with a cube slot.
LOL I am one of those weird people who like the wound piece, liked watching the old CM's tossing around mind fire and disease into a group.
Overall the general idea is good, at least I think so. But as has been mentioned before you really should try to "polish" these ideas more. Maybe chat them up in the pvp channel, get with a Senator and a few others and get their feedback. It doesn't mean they have to agree but it helps to get to the final product rather than just tossing out ideas and getting them torn up. For example last time out of that came the possiblity of Stims beeing tweaked. Here already someone mentioned powerups (elemental).

With the amount of content and the lack of time the Devs have the easier and less time consuming an idea is the more likely it is to get done and done quickly even. So have all the ideas you want but try to research and polish them up first, assuming you haven't here. Again I like the overall general idea but see that it needs paired down and redefined.
I believe it is something they are interested in, none of the PVs are meant to be "do it now."

As for the "wounds" thing, I am not asking for Pre-CU drains 30% of your total HP every 12 seconds. I understand why you hate it as I do too.

However, there is also a difference between "damage" and "instant death".

I'd also not ask for "damage" if it was just instant death.

I also know "Pups can do this", however I think we can go further.
I believe it is something they are interested in, none of the PVs are meant to be "do it now."

As for the "wounds" thing, I am not asking for Pre-CU drains 30% of your total HP every 12 seconds. I understand why you hate it as I do too.

However, there is also a difference between "damage" and "instant death".
Ok. What i meant was if your idea could be accomplished by things that are already in place and simply adding some new powerup types that would possibly be easier than trying to implement whole new weapons which would also need to implemented with skills, levels etc.

Again I like your overal general idea. (slip them a 100 to bring mindfire back)
Ok. What i meant was if your idea could be accomplished by things that are already in place and simply adding some new powerup types that would possibly be easier than trying to implement whole new weapons which would also need to implemented with skills, levels etc.

Again I like your overal general idea. (slip them a 100 to bring mindfire back)
The powerup system is a mess, but I disagree. I don't think it can. I want more than X and Y and I would rather weapons not just be skins.

Powerups offer variation, but very little. Not even a leaf of what you could make pre-cu.

Imo; I want weapons to be different. If every weapon is the same (and gets the same powerups) that goes against my idea in the first place.
The powerup system is a mess, but I disagree. I don't think it can. I want more than X and Y and I would rather weapons not just be skins.

Powerups offer variation, but very little. Not even a leaf of what you could make pre-cu.

Imo; I want weapons to be different. If every weapon is the same (and gets the same powerups) that goes against my idea in the first place.

Ok my mistake whatev...
Simple. Imagine all the variety of gameplay you can have, the playstyles and overall fun it could add to crafting, combat, and other parts of the game.

I'd love to see more variation in how weapons are besides having different skins and particle effects. Some unique weapons (like Proton Carbine for example) could have special damage/dot effects to them, like freeze etc.
I think making armor more variable is also a good thought.

I like the DOT idea for weapons considering it'll be properly balanced and actually worth to have/get these weapons.
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I would love to see elemental damage on all weapons actually matter in the form of enhancing critical hit mechanics and actually making the secondary stats on weapons useful as well, but all the stuff that currently is unique to commando I think is not a good idea to give to other classes.

Disallowing weapon swapping, for example, is extremely silly and is an important mechanic for players to utilize in all content, currently.

Overall there’s a few good ideas in here, but again, you put 100 different things into one PV which is antithetical to what PVs are supposed to be.
I would love to see elemental damage on all weapons actually matter in the form of enhancing critical hit mechanics and actually making the secondary stats on weapons useful as well, but all the stuff that currently is unique to commando I think is not a good idea to give to other classes.

Disallowing weapon swapping, for example, is extremely silly and is an important mechanic for players to utilize in all content, currently.

Overall there’s a few good ideas in here, but again, you put 100 different things into one PV which is antithetical to what PVs are supposed to be.I said if they do it and it's unbalanced, they could do something like that.

I put that as a "counter", I would rather they not do it myself, but I can see it being a possible issue.

If talking about possible counters is me saying I "want it" as part of my PV, I can delete it. However, I tried to clarify that it could be an issue, not that I wanted it.

It isn't meant to be part of the PV and was more of comment so I deleted it.
LOL I am one of those weird people who like the wound piece, liked watching the old CM's tossing around mind fire and disease into a group.
I was one of those old-school CMs doing just that. I loved going into Theed and dropping a bomb.
Even if something had a lot of wound, it wouldn't even be a measure. To achieve what CM's used to do it would have to be like a 30 minute+ fight, not happen in the matter of seconds.
I feel this is about 20 PV's in one so I won't upvote it. Make one just about the movement penalty for weapons and I'll give it an upvote i.e rifles move slower than pistols, two handed move slower than one handed.