Unique Weapon Statistics

Unique Weapon Statistics
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator

I think it would be interesting if weapons had more unique statistics and abilities like in Pre-CU. It was one thing that I miss from it, and I would like to see that return as long as it can be feasible to balance out.

This image shows a visual of things I desire, but just a few categories of this suggestion.

A) Favoring Elemental damage, or deals more Elemental Damage (switched around).
B) Less damage, more Accuracy Bonus.
C) More raw Wound Damage; think Lava Cannon (unique wound dot?).
D) Weapons that have DOT Duration and DOT Intensity. (See Above).
E) Weight. How much a weapon slows you down to wield. I believe that pistols should not slow you down as much as a rifle, for example.

Weapons right now are pretty much just skins, no variation really.

Simple. Imagine all the variety of gameplay you can have, the playstyles and overall fun it could add to crafting, combat, and other parts of the game.

I shall explain why each category is important.

A) Allows armor to be more variable in the future, more elemental resistance, or penetration resistance.
B) Consistency. Some players favor hitting more to hitting hard.
C) Slowly wears people down in a fight and prevents straight healing, but not Battle Fatigue.
D) Playstyle variety; some people like slowly wearing down opponents.
E) Weight could just be in categories. "Light, Medium, Heavy", no fancy numbers.

I really love variety and making ideas. For me variety is the spice of life to games and I really loved how Pre-CU fully utilized SWG's unique crafting system.

I think it is pretty boring that it is currently: Cap Damage than go to speed. It makes the game feel boring and was why I liked CU/PreCU over NGE.

I hope this is a good suggestion, good luck and good reading!
I feel this is about 20 PV's in one so I won't upvote it. Make one just about the movement penalty for weapons and I'll give it an upvote i.e rifles move slower than pistols, two handed move slower than one handed.
I didn't find it that complicated, its pretty much just asking for weapons to have more unique variable stats; like Pre-cu.

One suggestion, many examples.