Patch Notes
Update 1.2.4 - Heroes on Both Sides
The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

- Changed Speed modifiers now have a hard cap of 75, meaning that the global cooldown of abilities may no longer be reduced by more than 0.75 seconds through combat speed buffs.
- Changed Jedi who have a Bounty Hunter TEF will no longer be able to be healed by allies even while Special Forces.

- Added 11 different versions of stairs have been added to the Storyteller Vendor.

Added The Heroic instances Tusken King and the Lost Star Destroyer are now active.
- Starter quest NPCs for Tusken King and Lost Star Destroyer are located near the Mos Eisley Cloner and in the vicinity of the Lucky Despot, respectively.
- Maximillian the travel consultant is now located in the Mos Eisley Cantina. More locations will be unlocked for Maximillian as the remainder of Heroics are released.
- Tusken King Loot includes: Statted Rings, Tusken Warrior outfit and schematics, Elite Tusken Rifle and Gaderffii Stick, Tusken Backpack, Tusken Decoration, and more!
- Star Destroyer Loot includes: Statted Left Bracelets, Pistol, Carbine, Rifle, and Commando Weapons, several Backpacks, Black Sun High Condition Recon Armor, and Star Destroyer Decoration, among other things.
- Instance modes - Heroics have four instance modes available that scale various difficulty mechanics.
- Loot drops improve with difficulty, but token payouts do not. Legendary versions of items have been added to more difficult instance modes.
- Note that new Heroic jewelry purchasable with tokens will be available in an upcoming patch.
- Special thanks to PMAC collaborator Vryka for several new asset additions.
Treasure Maps
- Changed Adjusted damage on Mysterious Container treasure mobs.
Idiot's Array
- Added A Jukebox has been added inside the Idiot’s Array.
- Added A Bazaar has been added just outside the Idiot’s Array.
- Changed Bounty missions and Patriots of Dathomir missions can now only be reset once all other missions are completed as originally intended.
- Changed Bounty mission token rewards are now split between the ground quest and space quest.
- Changed The Hangar structure has been updated to 2 lots and 500 storage. In order for this to take effect, players must re-deed and place the structure again.
Chasing a Phantom Quest Line
Added This multi-part quest line was written by the player Stryyk and is the winner of the Chronicle Quest contest earlier this year. The mystery begins with strange happenings on Naboo…
- This quest line will require discovery, exploration, and specific (tradeable) looted items. Be sure to drag items onto NPCs where applicable.
- There are six separate ending choices with varying color versions of the Token Box of Achievement and a small Token of appreciation.
- Changed Increased explosion damage in Nightmare mode of Beetle Cavern.
- Changed Droid Army CWW8 style droids now have decreased damage.
- Fixed Fixed a bug that was not properly scaling mob health across instance modes.
- Fixed The Crafting Scanner Interface has been fixed and shows up properly on player stat sheets. Players may need to re-log for this change to show up properly on their stat sheet.
- Changed Public Crafting Stations will now be equivalent to Private Crafting Stations.

Added Planetary Assaults, which allow Generals to make entire planets vulnerable to attack. Towers and Bases on these planets will become active (see below).
- Each week, Generals of each faction will use War Terminals to place a vote for which planet to assault the next week. In the case of a tie (or no votes), a planet is chosen randomly.
- On Saturday at 3pm EST, votes will be locked and Generals will be able to see which planet will be assaulted next.
- On Sunday at 3pm EST (the same time as rank update), new assaults will begin for each faction, lasting for exactly 7 days.
- That planet, and any connected space regions, will be vulnerable for the week. If a planet or space zone is *not* vulnerable, its control score cannot be altered.
- You can see which planets are vulnerable by looking at the GCW Galaxy map from the bottom toolbar.
Added New Watchtower installations have been added to major cities across the galaxy, acting as a new chokepoint for gaining control of the map and bypassing shields on Factional Bases.
- Watchtowers have been added to: Mos Eisley (Tatooine), Nym's (Lok), Doaba Guerfel (Corellia), Nashal (Talus), Theed (Naboo), Mining Outpost (Dantooine), and inside the city of Restuss (Rori).
- Watchtowers have four terminals at their base that can be captured in order to take control of the tower. Capturing it grants GCW tokens and points, and sends a notification to Discord.
- Interacting with a Watchtower terminal will instantly flag you as Special Forces. There is a warning of this as you first get near a tower.
- While a Watchtower is controlled by a faction, it will contribute to the region control score of every zone on the planet, every 5 minutes. If there is a factional base in a region, it will not go lower than 51% control of whichever faction owns that base.
- Every 5 minutes, if the tower is controlled, the Watchtower will grant a small amount of GCW tokens and points to all friendly SF faction-presence-eligible players within 42 meters. You can examine the terminals to see if you are eligible for this payout, and radial the terminal to claim it.
- Watchtowers enter a blackout period from 2am to 10am EST, where they will not dispense GCW tokens, points, or Shield Phase Inverters. However, it will continue to affect region control score.
- You can see the status of your planet's Watchtower by looking at the Planet Map (V).
Added Factional Bases now come equipped with shield generators that must be disrupted by the attacking faction before being entered.
- Before an enemy faction can enter a base, they must retrieve a Shield Phase Inverter from that planet's Watchtower. The Watchtower must be controlled for 5 minutes before it can disperse a Phase Inverter, and only one may be taken every 30 minutes.
- Take that Phase Inverter to within 64 meters of an enemy base and activate it. This will start a timer, visible on your buff bar, for between 6 and 12 minutes (depending on the size of the base being attacked). A notification will be sent to Discord alerting of the attack.
- Attackers must remain within 64 meters for the duration of the timer or it will be deactivated and must start again. They are locked to Special Forces and cannot go indoors or stealth.
- While defending a base, players of that faction may bypass the shields. Attacking players may not pass through.
- If the player holding the Phase Inverter dies, it will drop into the open world. If an attacking player uses the item, they will pick it up and continue the timer. If a defending player uses it, it will be destroyed after 10 seconds and the countdown will stop.
- When the timer runs out, if it is held by an attacking player, the shields will be taken down for 1 hour and attackers may now enter the base and use the terminals as normal to destroy it. Attackers in the area will receive GCW tokens and points.
- You must have 4 players from different accounts nearby in order to begin Shield Phase Inversion.
- Defending a base by destroying the Shield Phase Inverter or stopping the shutdown timer will grant defenders in the area GCW points and tokens.
- Added Discord alerts will now occur for bases being placed and destroyed.
- Added Healing, and buffing with Squad Leader auras, will now grant the helper credit for GCW kills.
- Changed Turrets and Mines can no longer be donated to factional bases.
- Changed You are now allowed to place any number of factional bases in the same region.
- Changed Interrupting the countdown of a base destruction timer is now done with a 60 second timer that is interrupted by combat.
- Changed You may no longer clone at a player placed camp within 1km if you die near a factional base.
- Changed Boba Fett Statuette has been rotated in as the new Jango Fett Jetpack piece available on the Battlefields vendors.
- Removed All existing bases on the map have been destroyed, control scores have been reset, and any officers have had their rank reduced to Lieutenant.

Added New rewards are available for GCW Tokens from factional recruiters:
- The Trexler 906 Armored Transport, a 12-person heavily armored vehicle that anyone from the same faction can join. A "stolen" variant is available to the Rebel Alliance.
- Ghost Trooper armor (Imperial)
- Alliance Infiltrator armor (Rebel)
- Armored Backpack
- Star Destroyer System Console and Console Row decorations
- Great Hyperspace War Bas-Relief
- "Breakthrough" (Imperial) and "War Torn Soldier" (Rebel) paintings, which grant unique titles to their owner
- HH-15 Torpedo Warhead (Imperial) and Shoulder-Fired Rocket Launcher (Rebel), consumable items that grant 50% bonus to GCW points gained for an hour.
- Radtrooper Badge (Imperial) and Han's Hydrospanner (Rebel), consumable items that grant 25% bonus to XP gained for an hour.
- Senate Guard (Rebel) and Royal Guard (Imperial) Greeters
- Added A shady pirate at Endor Smuggler's Outpost now offers Cybernetic Implant Chip Modification Tools, purchasable with GCW tokens, which can be used with the Cybernetic Implant Chip available on the Player Activity Awards System vendor. These chips increase one of the 6 core stats granted by the Chip, and there is no limit to how many you may add to your character. Each time you purchase one, the cost to buy the next one is doubled.
- Changed Weapons from the Battlefields vendors will now craft with a 2% PvP Damage bonus.
- Changed The Shard of Retaliation no longer double-counts melee damage when reducing incoming damage.
- Changed Equipment will no longer experience decay after cloning from a PvP death.
Removed No Trade has been removed from over 150 items. A majority of No Trade restrictions have been removed from:
- Chu-Gon Cube schematics
- GCW Static Base items
- GCW Recruiter items
- Galactic Fortitude Vendor items
- More items will continue to have No Trade removed in future updates
Changed The following tokens had been adjusted to be No Trade Shared:
- Mustafar Trials Tokens
- PvP Battlefield Tokens
- Heroic Tokens

- Changed The character creation limit has been reduced to once per hour (from 24 hours).

Bounty Hunter
- Changed Seeker droids now have an additional option for monitoring Jedi visibility reports. If you use this option and are hunting a Jedi, you will receive an updated location for a Jedi target anytime they gain visibility, after a 10 second delay.
- Changed Extended droid buffs now have options for +30/60/90 minutes (from 15/30/45 minutes) and provide 3/6/9k credits to the owner.
Droid Engineer
- Added Ace of Aces can now buy limited use schematics for Component Tracking Devices and Component Tracking Modules that can tag existing space components. Place a Space Component and a Tracking Module in the Device to tag the component to prevent it from being accidentally sold. These schematics are craftable by Droid Engineers.
Added New exotics for Jedi are now available:
- Force Heal Cost Reduction replaces Combat Medicine Assembly
- Force Powers Cost Reduction replaces Combat Medicine Experimentation
- Force Powers Critical Chance replaces Strikethrough Value
- Changed Visibility may now be gained by having a Jedi buff active (not including those from equipment).
- Changed Visibility can now be gained while inside an instanced area.
- Changed Darth Vader may now appear if you are at maximum visibility and have encountered an Inquisitor more than 15 minutes ago (Previously, you had to kill the Inquisitor and be max visibility for an hour).
- Changed Reduced Force Power Max from Exotics by 50% (now gives 50 force per point).
- Changed Reduced Force Power Max from skill trees by 1000-1500 depending on build.
- Changed Reduced Force Suppression duration to 8/12 seconds (from 15/20).
- Changed Reduced Force Storm damage by about 10%.
- Changed Reduced damage of Shien Retaliation proc by 25%.
- Changed Reduced damage of most lightsaber attacks by about 10%.
- Changed Reduced the effect of Force Weaken (increase damage taken debuff) to 10/20% (from 15/25%).
- Changed Reduced the effect of Improved Saber Armor Break to 55% (from 60%).
- Changed Reduced the effect of Connection meditation buff (force cost reduction) to 12% (from 25%).
- Changed Force Heal now has doubled Force cost.
- Changed Master Healer now has its cost for Healing abilities halved.
- Fixed XP loss will now again occur on death.
- Fixed Force Damage from the Powers skill tree now has a hard cap of 100, but no longer has a bug that reduces damage after passing 100. The net result of this is that you now only need two lines of the Powers tree to gain as much damage on your Force powers as was possible from the Master box previously.
- Changed Newly Reverse Engineered space components will now be automatically “Tagged” as non-sellable to chassis dealers. This is not retroactive. To tag existing space parts players can use a Space Component Tracking Device.
- Changed Increased crate size for several Shipwright schematics (Droid Interface Scanner, Paint Kits, etc).

- Fixed The Jabba’s Palace space quest has been fixed to properly allow any Smuggler’s Alliance Pilot to complete the quest.
- Changed Tier 6+ NPC ship difficulties as well as enemy POB accuracy logic have been have been boosted slightly.
- Changed Corrected the last step of Nym’s Starmap so players will have a Comlink message from Nym if they have paid Nym themselves. If players have this quest currently active they may need to put in a support ticket to reset their quest.
- Changed IFF Scramble cannot be used on Survival style missions due to being able to circumvent mission mechanics.
- Changed Disabling ships during Survival missions may trigger new ships waves to spawn.
May The Force Be With You,
The SWG Restoration Development Team