Open - Social - Wasted Space with Building Boundaries | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Social Wasted Space with Building Boundaries

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Jun 5, 2021
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I propose that we review building footprints with the goal of trimming off unnecessary overreaches to allow for better city planning. The empty space in front of the buildings is fine as it prevents blocking off entrances, but the sides and back should not be limited, especially to the degree they often are. My primary concern is the medium Naboo house, but it is far from the only example.

Since there would likely be issues if these footprints were changed for pre-existing houses, my proposal is specifically for making a variant of the schematics so that houses that are already placed won't be affected, much like how the windowed houses were added alongside pre-existing houses.

If furniture layouts could be shared among the variants so as to allow a quick copy over, that would be very convenient. But if I have to redo everything, I'll do it with a smile for the end result.
The justification is that cities, as they are now, frequently fall short in looking like compact urban environments or even having a direction with obvious roadways. While those that want to avoid this appearance are free to do so, I feel that it would be well to allow for the alternative. Those affected would be the architects who would have additional deeds at their disposal and city planners and home owners who would be using them. Finally, all residents in locations that take these new opportunities would be affected, although they only need to embrace it if they so choose.
Before beginning my city I had created plans for an urban utopia with closely-packed houses, clear-cut roads, and cozy neighborhoods. The vast majority were Medium Naboo houses, my favorite of the structures. However, it was not to be. The online resource I had used to plan it, much to my dismay, had misrepresented their footprint. I had to redo my plans, and I am nowhere near as pleased with them. This house is not the only one whose footprint is excessive.

By allowing more compact housing placement you can better create the image of a crowded city, with groups of houses blocking out unintended roads and streamlining traffic. Currently, the only medium house I know of that can be placed close enough is the generic medium, which doesn't match the aesthetic I enjoy.

tl;dr A desire for more recognizable roadways, groupings of houses, reducing wasted space, and making a city into a metropolis.
My plans for a clean city with clear roadways became little more than any other city, a sporadic dotting of houses with a lot of dead space. The initial idea dashed by the realization that the medium Naboo house's footprint was not 3x4 as the site I used to plan it on suggested, but rather 5x5.
The original plans.
The compromised plans.

On the left are the original plans, while on the right are what ultimately had to be done to maintain some semblance of the original ideal. From the comfort of medium housing for all to only some, the roads no longer clear and the neighborhoods similarly hard to recognize.

Without being able to compactly place houses, the image of my city had sunk before it swam, and my displeasure with the primary residential areas was impossible to ignore.
mayors need more tools for city planning in general however this seems like a rather simple step in the right direction!

everybody knows cities dont have any real form and most are just boring blocks of structures on open sand however this isnt how it has to be

civil engineering in the fashion proposed would allow for cities with identity and form like hafen to not be held back by a silly little afterthought

big ups to the proposal

- Aradia Megido
I know for a fact medium Naboo houses used to be able to be placed side by side with no gap as they were commonly used as walls to surround faction bases and other key structures in a town. Just something to keep in mind.
If it's a city only thing, I don't want people crowding my houses in.
I know for a fact medium Naboo houses used to be able to be placed side by side with no gap as they were commonly used as walls to surround faction bases and other key structures in a town. Just something to keep in mind.
I'm curious - do you happen to know if that change was made during Live?
I think this misses the size of the foundations that are required to provide access on uneven ground. There is no "padding" around that foundation and entry ramp.
pretty sure it was during live just not sure when during live
Really? That's interesting if so, as it would suggest that they might be alterable without consequence. Needless to say, it would require testing before implementing.

I think this misses the size of the foundations that are required to provide access on uneven ground. There is no "padding" around that foundation and entry ramp.
The front of buildings has the extra stairwells in the foundation, but not the other sides. It doesn't wrap around the entire structure, making restricting the sides and back to such a degree pointless.
I’m not sure when this change was made but I’m sure I had medium houses stuck close to each other in my city during live and in NGE this wasn’t possible anymore. So it must have happened sometime between the 2 eras :)
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I’m not sure when this change was made but I’m sure I had medium houses stuck close to each other in my city during live and in NGE this wasn’t possible anymore. So it must have happened sometime between the 2 eras :)
So once again NGE is to blame. Good to know, thank you.
I’m not sure when this change was made but I’m sure I had medium houses stuck close to each other in my city during live and in NGE this wasn’t possible anymore. So it must have happened sometime between the 2 eras :)
You can stack medium generics so close together they form a wall.
Yeah I know but we’re talking about medium Naboo here :)
Also Elour’s city planner tool, we’re all using, have this old footprint, instead of the current one for the med Naboo.
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