Artisan - weapon components | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Artisan weapon components

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May 28, 2021
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I would like to see an additional slot added to elemental chambers to add a gorax/tissue. The reason for this is if i make a weapon with an ele chamber it is not only ineffective in pvp but in most cases lower damage. IF we could add this component to a chamber it would make it worth wild to add one regardless of pvp or pve and make crafting the extra optional component a damage increase as it should be.
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This would add value to adding additional items to the craft as well as If it required the additional component to be different i.e. one krayt then one gorax or spider fang etc will help support farmers as well well.
I would like to see an additional slot added to elemental chambers to add a gorax/tissue.
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I’m with you 100 % that there should be additional slots for weapons.
I just don’t think it should be on elemental chambers. Chambers are garbage and they just confuse the average player.
I’d suggest another “ enhancement “ slot that could take tissue/ gorax / bones but also add more drops and wider stats/ variety. Tissue is all but useless with current stats and not even worth the time to farm at current stats.
Would love too see a drop that could reduce SAC or increase durability for example.
Currently weapons are pretty cookie cutter.
In place of chambers how about adding something when you craft the weapons ,instead of just at the core making all weapons just skins?
Look forward to any thoughts/ suggestions.

Atticus X Arms
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