Controlling Spirit, Part 2

Controlling Spirit, Part 2
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  • This quest is part two of the pre-requisite questline for Exar Kun(EK) heroic instance. For part one, see Controlling Spirit.

    This quest is started by conversing with Professor Wagglehorn at the conclusion of Controlling Spirit, Part 1.
    /way corellia -5469 -2984 Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn;

    Level: 90
    If Professor Wagglehorn's fears are correct, it is probably Professor Emanus' team that freed Exar Kun's spirit and became enslaved to it. You must find a way to defeat Exar Kun.
    Recommended combat level: 90+

    Travel to the Archeological Dig Site​

    Now with the first part of the quest done head to the Mining Outpost on Yavin IV from where you will need to head to the archaeological dig site (/wp 4846 5575 Archaeological Dig Site)

    /way yavin4 4846 5575 Archaeological dig site;

    Find a way to Infiltrate the Cult​

    Ignore the foes at the site and go talk to the Rebel trooper (/wp 4927 5593 a Rebel trooper). He will tell you that you need a Medallion of Exar Kun to get into the catacombs beneath the temple.

    /way yavin4 4927 5593 A Rebel trooper;

    a Rebel trooper: You're looking for Professor Emanus? He leads this archeological dig site. I used to come speak with him when my duties allowed. But recently, in the last month or two, something has changed. He refuses to see anyone. And the researchers and students all started wearing those strange robes. Something isn't right.
    You: Where can I find Professor Emanus?
    a Rebel trooper: He is down below in the temple. They dug down and found a way into the lower levels of the Temple of Exar Kun. The Professor is always down there these days. I have not been able to get to him. Only those who carry a medallion are allowed entry.
    You: A medallion?
    a Rebel trooper: That is correct. From what you've told me, I'm guessing the markings on the medallion are related to Exar Kun. You'll need one if you wish to enter and find Professor Emanus.

    Find a Medallion of Exar Kun​

    Once you have the medallion, return to Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn in Tyrena, Corellia.

    /way corellia -5469 -2984 Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn;

    Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn: Travel to Mos Eisley and speak with my teaching assistant there. He can alter the medallion to allow you to enter the inner sanctum of the Temple of Exar Kun where Professor Emanus and his followers are held in sway by the spirit of Exar Kun.
    You: I shall do so.
    Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn: My teaching assistant can also arrange for transport from Mos Eisley to the dig site on Yavin IV whenever you are ready to confront Exar Kun and his enslaved minions...including my unfortunate friend, Professor Emanus.

    Return to Mos Eisley

    With that done, that's the end of the quest. You need to head back to Mos Eisley and talk with the Corellia University Teaching Assistant again to finish the quest.
    /way Tatooine 3341 -4902 University Teaching Assistant;

    Corellia University teaching assistant: I've made the necessary arrangements. The medallion should allow you to enter the temple and Maximillian in the Mos Eisley Cantina can take you to Yavin IV whenever you need. Good luck confronting the spirit of Exar Kun!

    You now have access to the
    Exar Kun heroic instance.