Craftsman Tools | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Craftsman Tools

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  • Craftsman Tools is one of the sub-collections of the Tier 2: Housing Improvement Collection Mark I collection.

    Completion of this sub-collection grants a No Trade housing storage increase item that increases the maximum storage capacity of a structure by 100 items.

    To complete this collection, players must obtain the following items and add them to their collection:
    • Craftsman Tools Page 1/10 (rare)
    • Craftsman Tools Page 2/10
    • Craftsman Tools Page 3/10
    • Craftsman Tools Page 4/10
    • Craftsman Tools Page 5/10
    • Craftsman Tools Page 6/10
    • Craftsman Tools Page 7/10
    • Craftsman Tools Page 8/10
    • Craftsman Tools Page 9/10
    • Craftsman Tools Page 10/10
    You may find a list of where to farm these items from SWGJunkyard.