Dantooine Collections

Dantooine Collections
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  • Last updated Last updated:
  • General Information​

    Estimated Time to Complete: TBD
    Required Group Size: TBD
    Start Point: Pirate Outpost

    For wp:32, you must enter the CL60ish dungeon The Warren. This is still easily soloable as a CL80, but consider following The Warren guide as well, to get some free badges while here.

    Dantooine Route​

    PART 1
    /way dantooine 1593 -6361 blue wp:01 Force Shui - Roll #4 Pirate Outpost;
    /way dantooine 1629 -6353 blue wp:02 Rare Melee Weapons Mark IV #12;
    /way dantooine 4506 -6486 blue wp:03 Datapad Collection #5;
    /way dantooine 3852 -5927 blue wp:04 Lost Imperial Stormtrooper Armor #10;
    /way dantooine 4071 -5124 blue wp:05 Lost Rebel Marine Armor #7;
    /way dantooine 7085 -4095 yellow wp:06a Rare Carbine Weapons Mark I #1;
    /way dantooine 7264 -4139 blue wp:06b Rare Carbine Weapons Mark I #1 (Behind Statue);
    /way dantooine 6862 -2227 blue wp:07 Lost Rebel Assault Armor #1;
    /way dantooine 2523 -2862 blue wp:08 Com-link Collection #7;
    /way dantooine 3066 1210 blue wp:09 Glowing Rock Collection #6;
    /way dantooine 1554 1755 blue wp:10 Potted Purple Flower Collection #11;
    /way dantooine 2915 4521 blue wp:11 Burning Rock Collection #3;
    /way dantooine 4193 5127 yellow wp:12a (Inside Waterfall) Rare Rifle Weapons Mark III #1;
    /way dantooine 4226 4960 blue wp:12b Rare Rifle Weapons Mark III #1;

    PART 2
    /way dantooine 4195 5203 white wp:13 Jedi Temple Ruins;
    /way dantooine 3214 6001 blue wp:14 Potted Purple Flower Collection #9;
    /way dantooine -926 6910 blue wp:15 Rare Rifle Weapons Mark II #5;
    /way dantooine -217 4878 blue wp:16 Lost Imperial Shock Trooper Armor #8;
    /way dantooine -595 2488 blue wp:17 (Inside) Rare Carbine Weapons Mark I #5;
    /way dantooine -602 2474 blue wp:18 (Inside) Hanging Light #05;
    /way dantooine -3352 3449 blue wp:19 Bubbling Rock Collection #4;
    /way dantooine -6222 7394 yellow wp:20a Rare Melee Weapons Mark IV #13;
    /way dantooine -6331 7467 blue wp:20b Rare Melee Weapons Mark IV #13;
    /way dantooine -6805 6025 blue wp:21 Rare Melee Weapons Mark IV #5;
    /way dantooine -6825 5513 white wp:22 Abandoned Rebel Base;
    /way dantooine -6796 5524 blue wp:23 Potted Plant Collection #10;
    /way dantooine -6631 5476 blue wp:24 (Left)(Upstairs) Lost Rebel Battle Armor #4;
    /way dantooine -7156 -883 white wp:25 Dantari Rock Village;

    PART 3
    /way dantooine -7071 -3332 blue wp:26 Beetle Collection #6;
    /way dantooine -7034 -3353 blue wp:27 Rare Melee Weapons Mark IV #8;
    /way dantooine -3882 -5705 blue wp:28 Rare Carbine Weapons Mark I #9;
    /way dantooine -5978 -4579 blue wp:29 Potted Plant Collection #14;
    /way dantooine -3862 -5706 white wp:30 Dantari Village;
    /way dantooine -3381 -4731 blue wp:31 Steaming Rock Collection #1;
    /way dantooine -469 -3752 yellow wp:32a Find and Talk to 'An Escapee' sometimes named "O'Evitt Piboi";
    /way dantooine -551 -3833 yellow wp:32b Rare Melee Weapons Mark IV #3;
    /way dantooine -566 -3976 blue wp:32c Rare Melee Weapons Mark IV #3;
    /way dantooine -4225 -2445 blue wp:33 (Upstairs) Lost Imperial Stormtrooper Armor #1;
    /way dantooine -4197 -2426 blue wp:34 Unknown Astromech #5;